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Everything posted by johno86

  1. johno86

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    This post I quoted is an example of an ignorant biased view on the game and people who obtain the rifle, in question, in a legit way. Really? You find a gun on the street you take it home? Did you happen to remember that it's a Zombie Survival game so if I were to run into ANY gun on the street in a zombie survival world - yes, yes I would take ANY gun I find on the street 'home'. So please refrain from trying to make it sound like some moral judgement call to pick up a rifle that you didn't spawn but found. I killed a scripting kiddie last night and guess what rifle I found off his dead body? AS50 with 7 magazines and other crap I needed. If he had such a powerful rifle that could one-shot everyone and give them an upper-hand. How did he not see me following him for 40 minutes before I killed him with a hatchet? Don't blame the rifle for being bad at surviving. It takes patience and time to move from place to place. Most of you guys are impatient and just run and gun into buildings making it easier for the person using the AS50 to spot you and kill you. I will dispute any global bans because I'm using the AS50 that I earned off of a legitimate kill.