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Everything posted by DJKhaled

  1. DJKhaled

    Remove Krutoy Cap Spawn Point

    Wahhhh the game is too had and it isn't fair!!!!!
  2. Last night we had a group of 7 going , and one of us had an infection (non-stop coughing) and none of us got sick from it
  3. * [NEW] Chance of catching an infection from already infected players
  4. If you're in the middle of flying and the server crashes or something then the huey will be in the last place it was saved. Players will be wherever the database last saved them
  5. DJKhaled

    Servers Shutting down

    It's because it's crashing. My servers crash randomly several times a day it seems I'm not sure of the exact cause
  6. DJKhaled

    Vehicles after update

    I'm showing 3 helicopters and a couple cars disappearing on one of my servers
  7. DJKhaled

    MISC Helicopter Tragedy

    One body was thrown 50m from the wreckage the other could not be found. We think it got crushed under the chopper The crash happened after about 1 hour of flight time' date=' we circled Elektro for a while shooting at zombies and survivors Good times! The MISC doesn't recruit you You recruit the MISC You can come play with us on the NYC 7 server most us are on 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM (EST time)
  8. DJKhaled

    MISC Helicopter Tragedy

    3 hours of work up in flames :(
  9. DJKhaled

    How to set time, weather, month, etc?

    No. Unless you want this to happen: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4475
  10. DJKhaled


    You don't have a firewall active on your server right?
  11. DJKhaled

    skills idea

    /thread We already have hundreds of other games with levels, skill, upgrades, points and whatever. I like DayZ because you can choose how you want to play and aren't limited or handicapped by other players who have higher levels
  12. DJKhaled


    Actually if there is no moon and no lights around the night is actually that dark Your eyes adjust a bit though to take in more light
  13. Your friend heard no gunshot? It could have been from a headshot with a supressed gun from far away
  14. Hundreds trying to figure it out It's been confirmed that the issue is that some servers have NO vehicles because they have not been added in the database for some mission instances
  15. Shortly after your server starts look at the ARMA2OASERVER.RDP file in your /cfgdayz/ folder If vehicles are spawning you should see something like this: 5:16:59 "OBJ: 17568TentStorage" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 17704hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 17824Fishing_Boat" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 17884SkodaRed" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 17945ATV_CZ_EP1" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 18126Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 18368ATV_CZ_EP1" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 18430UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 18490hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 18550SkodaRed" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 18611Lada1" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 18792ATV_CZ_EP1" 5:16:59 "OBJ: 18852UAZ_CDF" If vehicles are not spawning because the devs haven't added them to your mission instances then you will see tents/wires/etc. spawn but no vehicles. Mine just shows this: 10:15:03 "OBJ: 29474Wire_cat1" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 29534Wire_cat1" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 29722Wire_cat1" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 29736TentStorage" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 30256TentStorage" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 30433Wire_cat1" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 30854Wire_cat1" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 31069Wire_cat1" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 31530Sandbag1_DZ" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 32028Wire_cat1" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 32123Wire_cat1" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 32436TentStorage" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 32815Sandbag1_DZ" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 33536Wire_cat1" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 33860TentStorage" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 33864TentStorage" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 33865TentStorage" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 33883TentStorage" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 34744Wire_cat1" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 34746TentStorage" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 34912Sandbag1_DZ" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 34988Wire_cat1" 10:15:03 "OBJ: 35175TentStorage"
  16. At least you have vehicles. This thread is for server owners who do not spawn vehicles at all because the devs won't add them to our instances
  17. DJKhaled

    How to set time, weather, month, etc?

    I do not believe you can control the weather You can change the in game time by adjusting your server time
  18. Apparently it's just my server. Someone with a server set up yesterday has them :( Rockey why u do dis :(
  19. Just spoke with Ander. He said the same thing Anyone with newer servers will have NO vehicles spawning on them -Vehicles have to be manually added to DB -Vehicles will be added in when we sort some issues -Legacy servers has vehicles but they are riddled with bugs -I promise we'll do it as soon as we fix the issues. He said he will try to get Rocket to add the vehicles to all instances anyway in the meantime a bunch of servers have NO vehicles This should be announced and stickied. A lot of server owners are unaware about this and I was confused for a few days.
  20. They can't process it at all right now because of technical issues or because they are busy with other things?