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Everything posted by joeoye1

  1. Hello! AUF is a friendly and welcoming day z clan recruiting new members Our main server is DE 1662 but we also have another server we currently communicate via team speak is our channel and the password is Ninja (Capital n). We raid cities, pvp and scavenge. The rules are pretty simple must be 18+, no back stabbing, and no flaming of members will not be tolerated. We have around 15 active members we also play other games such as war z, counter strike and league of legends but mainly day z. We are mainly European time zone based but we also have a fair amount of american clan members so people of many time zones. If interested join the team speak and speak to Alex, Jones or Joseph. We also have a clan website http://areufriendly.webs.com/ Look forward to seeing you.
  2. joeoye1

    DE 1662

    Sorry to get this message so late thanks for reporting this hacker he will be banned :)
  3. joeoye1


    Hmm well firstly before you assume its us, you should maybe send one of us a private message before you post your aummptions on the forum. Secondly we havnt taken vehicals from anyone any we find we take them fair and square, and you do relise there a good 5 clans that play on DE 1662, so before you point fingers you should also try and speak with them :) If you have any concerns or evidence of someone doing this send me a message. :)
  4. joeoye1


    Hello yes we will update as soon as our server is updated! and we are both bandit and survivor :)
  5. Skype (With mic) : yes Are You 16+ : yes How long have you played Day-Z : erm 1 month or so Are you more of a Hero Or Bandit : bandit Do you like to Scavenge or kill : both Why should we let you join : well geared, looking for a team and know how to handle myself in pvp :)