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Everything posted by Darkurthe

  1. Date/Time: 23/09/2012, 24/09/2012 What happened :i was playing yesterday logged off for a while to eat my lunch when i came logged back onto a server i got the select male or female screen. played till i got to stary sobor and logged out to go to work. just logged in and again im at the coast with nothing but i know i didnt get killed Where you were: the first time i would have been near the north airfield and the second time i logged out prone near the military tents in stary sobor What you were doing: killing players and zombies looting stuff *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: NZ28, NZ04 *Your system specs: i assume this is a server error *Timeline of events before/after error: nothing special just running around looting tents and players found a ghillie suit both times it happened but other than that nothing much
  2. *hit post too early* the snipers can be annoying buy learning things e.g making like a ninja form one end of cherno to the other and out-sniping the snipers feels much more rewarding than doing it on any other game the only bandits that annoy me are the ones who call friendly then balst me when i look away (purely because i fell for it and didnt han their asses)
  3. i have to agree with most people on this topic the bandits (like me) make the game a better experiance im a total gamer rager i used to play a lot of COD and whenever i died in that i would throw my chair (if you get that referance you are amazing and deserve beans) but in dayz everytime i die im somehow able to sit back and say well hell that guy was a better bandit than me oh well coast here i come
  4. Darkurthe

    i love nz 24

    so i got killed by a guy sniping on a roof in electro ( my favourite person ever ) respawned near a lght house and saw an island a wee ways off. thought to my self if i had a boat i would hide my shit there. swam out to it, lo and behold i found 5 tents and now i have a silenced machine pistol another as50 a tent 7 cooked meat medical supplies plus tank traps and the like also a cayote backpack im gonna camp there for a while wait for someone to bring me a boat. there was also an LMG but i accidently destroyed it i didnt have enough room in my back pack
  5. Darkurthe

    i love nz 24

    good things dont last long. i had to go to work just logged back on and the tents are all gone ohwell i still got lost of cool stuff. i braved the water expecting to drop the gear but i somehow held onto it so im heading off the grid to make my camp (just wish id stolen more tents)
  6. Darkurthe

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    my first was a crossbow aswell and i raped with the thing one shot will make anyone sit down can even peg someone in the back of a group and be reloaded by the time they figure out what hit them even then they have to figure out from where
  7. Darkurthe

    You mad survivors?

    you got all that gear but i bet your one of those guys who sits in the trees watching the beach giving your buddies high fives while you circle jerk
  8. Darkurthe

    Moving target

    if any bandit groups are opperating on nz24 there is a nice big moving target rolling around the coast for you a bus driven by sniper21 is driving around picking up anyone he comes across just driving around tooting his horn you cant miss it i was with them for about 15 mins he wears a ghillie has an as50 and a gps a guy who rides with him has a dmr and an lmg lots of supplies they stop to kill any animals but sniper21 never leaves the bus so hit hard and hit fast good luck brothers (and sisters)
  9. ok i know this is probably stupid considering we are bandits and what bandits do. but im looking to do some trading i want to trade an as50 for an AR of some kind or maby a winchester kind of keen for the winchester. im lost in the wilderness atm but when i get back to civilisation if someone contacts me ill be keen to trade. btw i have 4 clips for it so i want atleast 3 with the new gun
  10. i was having a look around dolina a few days ago not finding much just food and drinks as i decided to leave accidently brushed the mouse pad on my laptop firing my enfield bringing every zed on local to me long story short got my legs broken managed to kill the zeds and was left feeling stupid (have since disabled the mousepad) checked my map and the nearest hospital was berinzino (had not meds OF COURSE that would be too easy) after about 45 mins of crawling i was near the factory close to zino i heard the vibrations of a car freaking out i crawled into a bush and started scanning hoping like hell i hadnt been seen found the pick up truck pretty easy and watched the owner get out and move down the hill into the trees i thought ok its a trap but im gonna go for it anyway dead is preferable to broken legs and 6k blood got upto the truck with no problem thought ok fuck it jumped in and drove away towards zino whne i stoped to check out what was in the truck found an as50 with 5 clips and a dmr also 5 clips got my morphine got back to the truck and 5 mins later flipped it was so pissed but not as pissed as the guy i jacked it off. was playing on a australian server cant remember which one but if your the guy or you know the guy good lolz and keep on trucking (even though i broke it)
  11. Darkurthe

    OUCH...sorry bro

    even though i missed the direct murder he bled out but i dont consider that a full blown kill but i chalk it up anyway
  12. Darkurthe

    OUCH...sorry bro

    true that man my first kill was a dude in the electro appartments i came up the stairs saw him round the corner called friendly he did too. he went back to looting i shot him in the back with my crossbow and took his pistol and food. dont think he was actually dead at the time just unconcious :D bandits rob,stab and murder all the way baby
  13. Darkurthe

    bandit needs a hand

    im tahnkful for your beans and just realised how suspicious this sounds let me explain a bit more. i jacked a dudes truck a few days back and in the back was a DMR and AS50 im keeping the DMR but not so keen on the 50 sure its bigger and badder but cant use nvgs with it so i want something more versatile. btw i play on nz servers should have included a location in the first post
  14. Darkurthe

    Funny weird death

    i watched that 3 times and laughed at your misery
  15. Darkurthe


    seems like a legit tactic to me cripple the enamy and make your pack stronger but you should have found a nice camping spot and waited to see their rage... and brains (thats what i would do)
  16. Darkurthe

    dont know how i pulled this off

    man i have dyslexia so the fact that i managed to write it at all is an acheivement to me so quite frankly i dont give a damn :D
  17. Darkurthe

    Crossbow could be my favorite weapon

    i dont know what everyone is on about i love the crossbow i think its a perfect wepon especially if you take the time to find a secluded area and pratice shooting trees to work out long range shots i have made shots 150+ with not much hassle and netted more than a few pk with it as for the ammo taking up a single slot if your good with it you only need to carry 2 or 3 bolts