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Everything posted by StealthyBrayden

  1. StealthyBrayden

    Psychosis? "Did you hear that?"

  2. StealthyBrayden

    Psychosis? "Did you hear that?"

  3. StealthyBrayden

    Faces of the dead.

    I respect this suggestion...!!! Implement!
  4. Just curious as to if anyone has found a proper alphabet of the DayZ font... I would love to be able to write in that font! If so, let me know please! :D
  5. Hello, So, i've been playing DayZ mod for quite sometime and the first time I ever played the mod I was curious as to why some people were surprised by the gameplay. By this I mean, has it never come about to any development team of any big companies that a massively open world "zombie" multiplayer (I know they aren't zombies, they're "infected") game would hit off and do so well? There has been attempts, but they simply wern't open enough (EG: Dead Island, Red dead redemptions expansion pack/DLC)... Why has there been no attempts to make a game/mod with such diversity and complexity untill this point? I for one would love to see a fully dedicated game specifically made for a multiplayer zombie apocalypse, with loads of oppurtunities, openess, interactivity, ability and individuality. Most zombie games are single player based or, the multiplayer just isn't open world. And if it is, the variation in terrain is like looking at grass and taking one step (Oh my god, look theres a rock!? Who would of guessed!) Though I am sad it has taken this long... I just wanted to say that, I am glad Rocket had an idea/vision and saw potential within what was destined to be a big hit. As for DayZ, I think it will change the way zombie games are made, atleast I hope... Thanks Rocket, you are the man!
  6. StealthyBrayden

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    I noticed in their video at about 11:30 or so, one of them calls DayZ a shit mod... LIKE WHAT?
  7. Very nice to hear of your incounters...!
  8. StealthyBrayden

    Am I the only one surprised? Thankyou Rocket :)

    Hahaha, I think the potential has exploded and is still exploding! He is helping in development of Arma 3, which means that DayZ can be expected to be seen on Arma 3! Yeewww!
  9. "Don't get attached to gear, you wont be able to keep it for ever" ???
  10. StealthyBrayden

    Am I the only one surprised? Thankyou Rocket :)

    That's true, it may see rise to the modding community! It comes to show how much can change from one good idea...
  11. All very nice suggestions if I do say.. Though...Blood and dreaming, dreaming just sounds generally annoying... :|
  12. StealthyBrayden

    Zombies act more like zombies.

    HAHAHAH LOVE IT! They are infected people... http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=7698&pid=71234#pid71234 Like Rocket said. :)
  13. StealthyBrayden

    Player Revival

    I support this idea :)
  14. StealthyBrayden

    Day Z: Zombies Need Overhaul

  15. StealthyBrayden

    Whoa arma 2 is baaad

    I personally love this game, even with the minor bugs :)
  16. StealthyBrayden

    Weird Encounter, ghosts in game?!?

    Well, ghosts would really make this game a little more intense :P
  17. Can't we all be friends? :3
  18. StealthyBrayden

    Has anyone made a DayZ font?

    The effort that would take... :| Thanks anywho. :)
  19. StealthyBrayden

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    You my good lad, need to relax... :|
  20. I'm constantly having this issue, if something doesn't fit into my bag and I accidently place it in there, it disappears! It should simply be refused! Why does my bag do this... This only happens to me with guns... When i'm trying to place a gun in a bag and don't realise I have insufficient room :| Please allow for rejection if no slots are available :)
  21. StealthyBrayden

    Fix bags (If something don't fit!)

    Oh, nice! Thanks for the insight...