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About lundahldaniel

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  1. lundahldaniel

    Domain instead of IP

    The domain is just pointing to my IP, but is not bound to any portnumber. When I enter the domain in dayzcommander to add it to my favourites, the IP field get's a red border and I can't add it. No message that tells me what's wrong. best regards, lundahldaniel
  2. lundahldaniel

    Domain instead of IP

    Hi! I just tried to connect to my domain name instead of the IP adress, but it didn't work. Am I not allowed to use a domain name for my server? Best regards, lundahldaniel
  3. Great guide! One question I have is how do you get the mission files for the other maps than charneous?
  4. lundahldaniel

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I've downloaded one of your direct uploads in this thread, but after putting the files in the correct folder. It still says that my server is Even tried with a fresh install of everything. Any ideas of what I can have done wrong? If I use dayzcommander on the servercomputer, it says that the dayz version is But after serverstart, and checking with dayzcommander on other computer, it says the server is
  5. lundahldaniel

    Can't get update to work

    Not even after a fresh install of arma 2 and arma 2 oa I can get it to update!! I followed the instructions you get in the mail after you get accepted for hosting a server, but I used the new server files for @dayz/addons instead. It still shows up as I can't understand what I'm doing wrong!!
  6. lundahldaniel

    Can't get update to work

    It's okay guys ;) I havn't edited the server.cfg more than changing the build number in the hostname. I know that the version is going to get changed to, but thats after the update works for me.
  7. lundahldaniel

    Can't get update to work

    I updated arma 2 oa, and I extracted the files into the addons folder. :/ Saw that if I add the server to favourites both on gamingcomp and servercomp, it says, but in the install/update tab on the servercomp, it says
  8. lundahldaniel

    Can't get update to work

    Well, I can't start the game on the server computer cause it has no graphicdrivers installed. But when I look for the server on my gamingcomputer, it says the server is and if i add it to dayzcommander on the servercomputer, it says
  9. lundahldaniel

    Can't get update to work

    I putted the files in the Addons folder yes. But it didn't work. Tried to use dayzcommander to update too, but with no success. :(
  10. Hi guys, I can't get the update to work. It keeps showing up like in the server lists. I've downloaded the latest server files and put them in the dayz folder, but it doesn't work. Any ideas?
  11. Hi guys, I can't get the update to work. It keeps showing up like in the server lists. I've downloaded the latest server files and put them in the dayz folder, but it doesn't work. Any ideas?
  12. I found a line in the server log that says Noldor tries to create vehicles on SE 64 3rd September at 11.20. Found some more people creating vehicles. Utsuho_reiuji 3rd September at 17.18 and Thomas 3rd September at 11.14 Noldor: http://imageshack.us...oldorcheat.jpg/ Utsuho: http://imageshack.us/f/803/cheat2p.jpg/ Thomas: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/100/cheat3i.jpg/
  13. lundahldaniel

    Cannot start host on port 2302

    Managed to fix it by adding quotes in the .bat file :)
  14. lundahldaniel

    Cannot start host on port 2302

    Hey guys. Sorry for opening a pretty old thread but, I got the same problem, and none of this have worked for me. It just says "Cannot start hos on port 2302.". What should I do?