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About Zitrop

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Zitrop

    SE 46 server thread

    Appreciate the work these guys do. Now I can go to sleep glad to know there's one less hacker out there. :) Keep up the good work! :)
  2. Zitrop

    SE 46 server thread

    I don't realy know about Admins on this server, but im pretty sure one just killed me after I shot him and his friend when they were in their chopper on the way to land it. I took the chopper and started flying it for a while and all of a sudden the chopper starts to act weird like couldn't realy fly forward and stuff. So I landed the chopper to restart the motor. And when I got out of the chopper a guy teleports infront of me and chopps me with his hatchet. Ofcourse it could have been a hacker but I doubt it since the guy just had a hatchet and a Patrol backpack. So that's it for this server :/. Can't stand it when people can't accept what this game offers and takes. I'm just a bit mad and thought I had to tell the community so you wont make the same "misstake" as I did. If the man that killed me was an Admin I'm just sad for his cause. But I'm not 100 % sure that it was and Admin causing this, Could have been a hacker aswell :S. Dont remember what the guys name was when I shot them.