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Everything posted by gdg

  1. I've tried to uninstall then reinstall the game, even after just leaving everything on default values and the same thing happens. My vid drivers are up to date, etc. Current DXDiag
  2. Thanks. I tried again this morning and it's not just when I hit TAB, it's when I open any sort of interface window, such as when I hit ESC that locks it up and freezes it.
  3. gdg

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name: Morgs (was gdg but changed it) Player ID: 66912390 Why do you wish to join the Militia: I'm looking for a casual group that's not ultra militant and pro-Survivor. Above all, I want to have fun and based on my two interactions, I think this group fits well with my playstyle. What can you offer the Militia: Experience. I've been playing MMOs and squad based FPSs for many years now, including Tribes, BF series, TF2, etc. I'm still new to DayZ/ARMA but I'm getting the hang of it. I'm not an uber player, but I can hold my own. Are you a team player: Yeppers. Are you willing to lose your gear if required: That's the name of the game. Have you been in any other groups, if so state which: None Extra information: I'm a 40 year old IT professional that's been gaming since the early 80s. I like organization, but I also enjoy having to adapt on the fly. I can't play every night, but I'll hop on when I can and hopefully be of some assistance to the team. What I have, the team is welcome to. In the end, I want to have fun and that means not ruining the fun of others (except for a-holes that try to ruin my fun... they're fair game!) Oh and I plan on introducing my GF to the game, as soon as she can remember the password to her steam account, heheh.
  4. I'm a 40 year old IT professional who is looking for a casual group to play with. I don't have loads of time, and it would be sporadic here and there, but some days I have hours to kill. I've only been playing solo for the past couple of weeks and I think working with a group would be much more enjoyable. I'm not a total noob, as I have the gameplay down pretty well. Getting involved with a group is the next level. If you have room for me, please let me know and I look forward to hearing from whomever. Thanks.