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Beats (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Beats (DayZ)

  1. Im looking to trade any of the items above for either of the following: AS50/w ghillie suit SVD CAMO/w NVGs M1A3 CCO SD/NVGs / Gps I will walk to meet you, and then you come to my server to trade! Im trying to get to be a trusted trader :P It seems fun to do this kinda stuff in the community :D
  2. Sorry for that >.< I meant the m4a1 hehe.
  3. I have 1 100 round belt for it :P But the ammo isnt very hard to find,, Atleast ive seen lots around before i found the gun lol.
  4. Yes i do, i killed a hacker and i thought someone may want it. I have no idea what to use it for :P
  5. Im trading a Mk 48 Mod 0(1 100 round belt) or fn fal(2 mags) or M14 AIM(3 mags) or radio for the following: (1st priority :D )SVD CAMO(with atleast 3 mags) DMR AS50 NV Goggles
  6. Hey, ive been playing DayZ for a month and two all alone with nobody to play with. Ive been wanting to join a clan or some type of group to have more fun with this game. If you have a clan you can either message me on steam or on here. Steam: Gloqz (i think lol) Im mature and know the game pretty well.. On a 1-10 i would be about an 8.5 or a 9. I have skype and a mic. And im on as most as i can be! Thankyou! :D