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Everything posted by MontyPilon

  1. MontyPilon

    Hacker killed me i got the video

    I don't understand... you get low FPS on a laptop yet you are using fraps which rapes the SHIZZLE out of your FPS.
  2. I do agree with what you are saying, but in the end if you enjoyed the game that much you wouldn't mind re spawning again and having to salvage together equipment/supplies. I do get annoyed when I die, but in the end It's just a game I play for maybe 1-2 hours when I'm not at work.
  3. MontyPilon

    Spawn Bug

    Same thing, I spawn with low health and broken bones even though I died.
  4. MontyPilon

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Sometimes shooting another survivor is what you need to do to survive.
  5. I'm all for the darkness at night, but I can't play on EU servers due to it being so dark and not having the correct equipment to survive. Saying that the darkness is realistic and should be kept but then altering your game settings to be able to see is not.
  6. I hate not being able to dismount somebody else's tent, if they are dumb enough to leave it lying around then so be it.
  7. MontyPilon

    Looking for some people to play with.

    Also, post what time zone you're on and what kind of players you are looking for, I myself believe that the larger the group the more satisfaction I get.
  8. MontyPilon

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

  9. MontyPilon

    Popped my bandit cherry!

    The title of this made me laugh so hard.
  10. MontyPilon

    Blood Transfusion on yourself.

    Good shout.
  11. MontyPilon

    Cinematic Screenshots

    wow that website is crazy, try tinypic.
  12. MontyPilon

    What I feel Day Z is missing

    You never know what they might add in the future, I'm just hoping for a leveling up system. That way when we spend countless hours just to die we at least gain something out of it.
  13. I shot a guy who was trying to crawl past with a m4, the thought of having a m4 rushed through me head and the fact that I was unsure whether he would turn on me and shoot me.
  14. People are forgetting that this is still alpha, firewood in houses is better than no firewood at all. Just wait for a few more updates then the wood will be more frequent and available in the forest.
  15. MontyPilon

    The bleeding wont stop

    You might have just found a bug, respawning just adds to the fun of scavenging for new items and survivors. Although I can see it being fustrated at 500 zombie kills and countless hours leading to nothing.
  16. MontyPilon

    Amount of bandits on each server now

    Find a friend, shoot all dangers on sight. If you think you can get around them or wait them out then do it, there is no point in shooting people if they cause you no harm.
  17. MontyPilon

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    No performance drop for me, but my friend had bad FPS troubles but after a CCleanup and a few cleaning programs and BAM worked fine again.
  18. MontyPilon

    MERGED: Everything poop and pee

    Lmao, that will be the day.
  19. MontyPilon

    An open letter to the silent majority

    Brought me back to gaming, almost got a life before I discovered this mod, now I can't stop playing it with my friend. You have done a lot for the developers of Arma and I hope they support you and your team to help thurther this awesome mod which has brought a new meaning to survival games.
  20. Find a friend and keep moving, never stay inside a town for more than 5 minutes and if you see a dead survivor wait it out. It's always best to get 1 more friend and work together as a team, waiting is always worth it, espically when those few extra seconds can be the difference between life and death.