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The Sheriff

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Everything posted by The Sheriff

  1. please send me a pm with some details on your current gear, and experence :)
  2. To EVERYONE that has sent me messages. I will not be on today. About an hour ago I got spawned in Kamenka with all my shit gone (same blood -_-) . I'm gonna try to get somewhat geared today. I'll organise a meet hopefully tomorow. Thanks.
  3. Haha I've heard of people doing that type of thing. I'm hoping that we can pull that kind of stuff on hacked snipers and whatnot :P. Outnumber them and force them to surrender XD. I'd need quite a bit of people for that kind of thing. BTW we're taking more people. (ANY ROLE) Forgot to mention: You need a mic, and ill pm you the Dolby Axon account to be added to the team chat ! :)
  4. Thank you, if we get a strong team together we will be seeing each other in game :). Hopefully I can kill a few hackers first and get some thermal snipers for my team. Cheers.