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About iDerp

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sydney, AU
  • Interests
    Having people on the unterwebz leeking at mi profele.

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  • Bio
    A noob at DayZ =P I often patrol the streets of Cherno., giving the guns I collect from Bandit Kills to fresh spawns. <3 Find me on any Australian / NZ / US server. I'm not much of a survivor, as I am a 'anti-Bandit'
  1. iDerp

    Vehicle Camo Netting

    Agreed. Although I don't think the ability to paint certain items is in ARMA: 2 itself, perhaps they could work around that.. But Camo-Netting, which of course is in, would be a great feature. Spawn Rates: Barracks; Loot Spawn Chance - 1.11% - Don't want Coast'ers hiding those bikes just outside of Cherno. now ;)
  2. iDerp


    It was most definitely left. I've seen this, fairly, common type of S-Kiddie Trolling - Lay down a Hacked item in a High-Risk area, like the Barracks, so as to bait those with already great gear. After / If they pick it up, All it takes is for an Admin to go through the Logs, and find that you've magically picked up a Hacked item.. Most likely resulting in a Ban. Then, if you log into another Server with it, same thing may happen. =[
  3. iDerp

    Bandits these days.....

    ^^I'm the butthurt person crying in 'Bandit HQ' because I had gotten killed? Yep =]
  4. iDerp

    Bandits these days.....

    1] You were incredibly stupid to go to the coast, even at a Spawn Point for god sake!, with such good items, although I highly doubt anyone that can be that prepared would be stupid enough to do that. Smells Script-Kiddie 2] 3 people and you hadn't seen him first? The Winchester as terrible accuracy at range, he couldn't have been more then 100Metres, at max. 3] You had 3,000 Blood and on the Coast, you were going to die no matter what. 4] For all we know he was a Survivor, scared of three people running towards him. I would've shot you too, gladly. 5] Quit crying on the forums for your own stupidity. You, sir, are the Failure.
  5. iDerp

    Day Z Videos

    Hehe, I was sniping over Calamar [Lingor Island], when I heard some.. Weird noises coming from behind me ;-P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdhEKDJachI&feature=youtu.be
  6. iDerp

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    I'd call myself a 'Robin Hood' type character [Not to sound egotistical] I'm often in the large cities, Elektro / Cherno / Occasionally Stary Sobor, mainly killing Bandits to allow Fresh-Spawns a chance to survive. Afterwhich I leave the Bodies, and point said Fresh-Spawns towards them to try and get geared up.. Backfires a little, sometimes, and I have to shoot the people I've just helped due to them attacking me.. But meh. :> I see no point in trying to horde items after you've gotten geared up at the N/W Airfield, hence the reason I go back to the coast. If I die, I do it again. I choose not to make some Troll Bandit have his 2'' ePeni grow by raging in Chat.
  7. Mhm. I'm getting stuck on a 'Loading' screen, with a complete green-bar above it, for 'round 10Minutes - Then I get put on a 'Loading' screen without the green-bar, just a black screen and 7 annoying letters.
  8. AKM is over-looked so much. Its great, one-hits to zombies, moderate ammo-spawns [When looking in the correct buildings / spawn locations] and a decent long-range effect, due to its Zero'ing capability. Much better then, say, the M4 / M16 series - I am yet to get _any_ LMG, sad.. I know. Along with snipers, I've only been able to touch an AS50, which a friend of mine had gotten. I'd also suggest adding a 'SMG' section; Can't go past a good MP56SD ;>
  9. Hm. I suppose this is the fault of Battleye, or a false-positive Script going through? All I wanted was a good game with friends =[
  10. iDerp

    Day-Z Has Gone To Shi*

    Looting / Surviving without items for the first few minutes or more [Depending on how knowledgeable you are] is one of the main drawing points for the game - You seem like one of those 12 year old kids who bought the game ''CUZZ YUGSCAWST PLAIDED IT, ET MUZT BE WERE ALL TEH KEEL KEDS R'' to only be disappointed because joining a Bandwagons are for those too stupid to actually at least have a look at the game before purchase. That said, have fun with CallOfDuty, or whatever Bandwagon you're on now. =]
  11. iDerp

    trading an m4a1 cco

    Mhm. I'd suggest being weary of these trades... Not so hard for a bandit to lure you.
  12. Oh; One more thing - The game won't let me go past the 'Loading' screen.. Although the title is pretty self-explanatory, just thought I'd mention it :P
  13. LeSigh. And to think we had moved past this; Once more I am having huge trouble connecting the servers.. It only started happening a few days ago when I had updated to the newest [Well, then newest] version so I could install Lingor Island - After doing so everything was fine and dandy, and I had been moving my Lingor Island folders commonly so as to play on regular DayZ servers, now I can't?! - I can connect to servers running Lingor Island, yet I can't with the default DayZ.. :'[ I highly doubt its the Private Hive servers, seeing as I can't connect to those either. Anyone got a suggestion? :[ My camp must be lonely without me.