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Everything posted by kainelderan

  1. The Order of the Green Dragon multi-gaming community is now hosting our own DayZ Epoch server. We are mature, friendly community that welcomes both friendly players as well as bandits - note we do not welcome douchebags or those who are only playing to grief others. This is a brand new server that has only been set up in the last week, but we have experience admin'ing servers before. We also welcome clans or groups of friends to join us - if you have at least 5 members you can apply for a "protected zone" to establish a base where other players can't come in and loot all your hard earned gear. This isn't to discourage banditry though - we just prefer that bandits actually have to kill people to take their stuff instead of waiting til people are offline. For the lone wolfs out there - you can still be a lone wolf, but team up with others so you can get the same type of protection. Our rules are fairly simple - things like don't be a douchebag or cause issues (there is no side chat so this hopefully should be minimized anyways), don't hack, don't camp fresh spawns, etc. If you're interested in trying us out, just visit our website and submit an application to be whitelisted. Our Custom Features AI - this includes Bandit, Soldier and Civilians - both on the ground and flying choppers Protected Zones for Clans - have at least 5 members? You can apply to have your own protected zone where people not on the "list" of approved people will be killed if they stay within your camp. Full Moon nights - no more completely dark nights (as long as the weather isn't too bad) Shorter Day / Night cycle - 4 hours of Day, 2 hours of Night Standard Epoch Features Kill Message Board - Each Trader City contains a Kill Message Board that lists all the kills/deaths in the server since the last restart. Crafting System - Ability to craft certain items Smelting System - Ability to smelt certain metals from readily available materials Currency System - Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin and Aluminum Bars Dynamic Road Debris System - DayZ debris system replaced by random vehicle wrecks and debris that spawn on roads with loot. Dynamic Vehicle Spawn System - DayZ fixed vehicle spawns replaced with random vehicle spawns anywhere near buildings or roads throughout the map. Base Building System - Placeable Barriers, Fences and Gates (difficult to remove) Tag Friendly Players - Get a visual identifier for those you have made friends with. Salvage Parts - Remove wheels and window glass from vehicles. The higher the damage to the part the higher the chance the part will break and be destroyed. Siphon Fuel - Fill Empty Jerry Cans on vehicles if they have enough fuel. Personal Safe - Owner lockable storage tied to CD-Key. NPC Traders (note: Players at -2000 or less Humanity will not be able to deal directly with most NPC Traders) Weapons Traders Sidearms, Shotguns and Crossbow, Rifles, Assault Rifles, Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles. Parts Traders Auto Parts, Building Supplies, Explosives. Can Traders Canned food, Drinks, Toolbelt items, Backpacks, Clothing. Ammo traders Ammo for all types of guns. Auto Traders - Cars, Trucks (Unarmed), SUV, Buses and Vans, Offroad, Helicopter (Unarmed), Military (Unarmed), Trucks (Armed), Utility, Fuel Trucks, Heavy Armor Unarmed, Helicopter (Armed), Military (Armed). Mad Scientists Trade Zombie Parts for Bio Meat, Utility, Medical Supplies, Chem-lites/Flares, Smoke Grenades. Metals Traders Convert bars into a different currency. Boat Traders Boats (Unarmed), Boats (Armed). Wholesalers Random goods dirt cheap. Plane Traders Various prop driven aircraft Black Market Explosives, Military EquipmentVehicle Ownership - Purchased vehicles can be locked/unlocked by owner (Tied to CD Key). All owned vehicles will spawn locked after server restart. More Wearable Clothing Female characters can switch clothes to other female skins. Infected Player Die while infected and you will return as a random infected player. Walk or crawl like a Zombie. Practically invisible to other zombies both sight and hearing. Can run very fast without sprinting. Cannot use any items or carry weapons. Cannot bleed. Cannot drive or ride in vehicles. Infected Player Skills Raise Horde - Calls all zombies to your location within 100m.(zombies will detect and attack the infected player) Attack - Short range melee attack causes bleeding, broken legs and/or infection Feed - Only way to gain health is by feeding on dead players or wild animals.Cargo Check - Ability to check the free storage space available.
  2. Glad to have ya, Frogbones. It's slowly starting to pick up, though I just had to ban someone - dude had like 60 10-ounce gold bars within a couple days of playing on the server. Unless he was hacking or abusing an exploit, I just don't see that as possible considering he hasn't been on but so much.
  3. Population is growing on the server but still looking for more to join in the fun!
  4. Still looking for more players, heros, friendlies and bandits welcome!
  5. Come try out Epoch! We now have auto refueling and towing working!
  6. Still looking for more players, come join in the fun!
  7. SWC-DayZ Server - Private Hive Server: DayZ Bliss SWC-DayZ (v1.7.2.6/build 97771) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-11] - http://www.SWCombine.com Website: http://www.silverfalls.org/dayz/ We are a group of players from another game that have all become addicted to DayZ. Up until recently we were hosting US 2881, a public hive server. Due to all the hackers and inability for us to do much of anything about them, we have decided to go private hive. We would like to build a community of players around our server that want to have fun and play DayZ. You won't be banned for killing admins or stealing our vehicles though we may hunt you down like the bandit you are.! :P Features: - Running a Bliss 50-slot private hive server on a VPS - meaning there aren't other DayZ servers on the same machine. - Running 24/7 - Veteran Difficulty - 3rd: On - Tracers: Off - NP: Off - CH: On - DM: On - Currently 130 vehicles including 2 helicopters (this may change) - Custom Heli Loot (removed L85 and AS50, put in new weapons) - Always Full Moon at night - Custom buildings for groups / clans - Vehicles / Tents properly saving - Side Chat enabled (though we don't want people using it for voice chat) - Updates / restarts happen pretty fast and you get prior notice - Server in US - Database backups every 30 minutes - Whitelist, application process and password used to minimize hackers - Our own private Mumble voice chat server Rules: Things not allowed No hacking No duping intentionally No ghosting - pretty much this shouldn't be possible on our private hive, but just in case someone finds a way to do it.. don't. No hoarding of vehicles - if you're two people, you don't need 5 vehicles. If your group has 1 helicopter, leave the others alone. This does not mean you can't steal vehicles from others, it just means don't create a parking lot of unused vehicles. No Alt + F4'ing to escape other players. Don't care if you do this to get away from zombies. Refrain from killing fresh spawns. You won't get banned if you happen to kill one, mostly what we mean here is don't camp the beaches looking for new spawns to kill. (Robbing, taking em hostage is fine). No using barbed wire or tank traps to block off popular spawn sites (fire stations, churches, etc). Exceptions to this are if you are inside the building at the time or if you are using the location as your home base. No begging admins for weapons or vehicles. If we want you to have it, we will add it as a spawn to the map where everyone can compete for it. No VOIP in side chat. We don't wanna hear your music, heavy breathing, TV, etc. No trolling or harassment over side chat. No excessive use of bad language, racist comments, basically use your common sense. We're not gonna kick your for expressing your displeasure in the fact that we just killed you, but just don't go overboard. Things we DO allow Kill on sight (KOS) is allowed though we encourage you to interact more with other players as we are trying to build a community here. Bandits are welcome, though we'd much prefer you truly play a bandit - hostage taking, robbing, etc are encouraged over just shooting on sight, though you won't get punished for KOS. Base building at major locations. If you can protect it, it's within your rights to own any spot on the map. Be prepared to really have to fight hard for the more popular spots. Role-playing is encouraged though not required. Anyone purposefully trolling or abusing someone attempting to roleplay will be dealt with harshly. Forming your own groups / clans. We'd love to have other active players on the server, whether bandit or survivor. If somehow you lose your gear / vehicles due to a hacker, the admins will work on replacing what we can. If you lose it due to zombies, bugs or glitch, we will not replace it. Sorry for this but it's impossible for us to prove you really lost the stuff this way. Interested in joining? Just visit our website and fill out the application. We'll get you processed as soon as we can, but note we like to play the game too so it may take a few hours. If you haven't got a response in 24 hours let us know. Once you are accepted you'll get a PM on our forums with the password. You'll then need to join so we can add you to the whitelist.
  8. The Walking Zed - Private Hive Server: DayZ Bliss - The Walking Zed (v1.7.4.4/build 99515) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-11] Server: DayZ Bliss - The Walking Zed Taviana (v1.7.4.4/build 99515) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-11] Website: http://www.thewalkingzed.com The Walking Zed, previously known as SWC-DayZ, is a community of Private Hive DayZ servers. We have been around for a couple months now, so we're not a brand new server like so many others lately. We now also have our very own Taviana server! What makes us stand out from the numerous other servers out there? We are constantly adding in new features and we have a very fair admin team - you won't get banned for killing the admins (though we will try to hunt ya down in return!) nor do we show favortism to any groups or players. We also take feedback directly from our players and make changes based off that feedback! We have several people that stream or FRAPS their gameplay and post em up for people to see, come check out the fun! We're planning on starting to soon have server-wide events for players to participate in as well. Features: - Running 2 Bliss 40-slot private hive servers on a VPS - meaning there aren't other DayZ servers on the same machine. - Running 24/7 - Veteran Difficulty - 3rd: On - Tracers: Off - NP: Off - CH: On - DM: On - Currently 100 vehicles including 2 helicopters (Cherno, there's only 1 heli on Namalsk) - Custom Crash Sites - you can find crashed helis, C-130s, Urals, etc. - Custom Crash Site Loot Tables - no AS50 or L85, added in other weapons (only on Cherno) - Always Full Moon at night - Custom buildings for groups / clans - Vehicles / Tents properly saving - Side Chat enabled (though we don't want people using it for voice chat) - Updates / restarts happen pretty fast and you get prior notice - Server in US - Database backups every 30 minutes - Whitelist, application process and password used to minimize hackers - Our own private Mumble voice chat server Rules: Things not allowed No hacking No duping intentionally No hoarding of vehicles - if you're two people, you don't need 5 vehicles. If your group has 1 helicopter, leave the others alone. This does not mean you can't steal vehicles from others, it just means don't create a parking lot of unused vehicles. No Alt + F4'ing to escape other players. Don't care if you do this to get away from zombies. Refrain from killing fresh spawns. You won't get banned if you happen to kill one, mostly what we mean here is don't camp the beaches looking for new spawns to kill. (Robbing, taking em hostage is fine). No using barbed wire or tank traps to block off popular spawn sites (fire stations, churches, etc). Exceptions to this are if you are inside the building at the time or if you are using the location as your home base. No begging admins for weapons or vehicles. If we want you to have it, we will add it as a spawn to the map where everyone can compete for it. No VOIP in side chat. We don't wanna hear your music, heavy breathing, TV, etc. No trolling or harassment over side chat. No excessive use of bad language, racist comments, basically use your common sense. We're not gonna kick your for expressing your displeasure in the fact that we just killed you, but just don't go overboard. Things we DO allow Kill on sight (KOS) is allowed though we encourage you to interact more with other players as we are trying to build a community here. Bandits are welcome, though we'd much prefer you truly play a bandit - hostage taking, robbing, etc are encouraged over just shooting on sight, though you won't get punished for KOS. Base building at major locations. If you can protect it, it's within your rights to own any spot on the map. Be prepared to really have to fight hard for the more popular spots. Role-playing is encouraged though not required. Anyone purposefully trolling or abusing someone attempting to roleplay will be dealt with harshly. Forming your own groups / clans. We'd love to have more players on the server, whether bandit or survivor. If somehow you lose your gear / vehicles due to a hacker, the admins will work on replacing what we can. If you lose it due to zombies, bugs or glitch, we will not replace it. Sorry for this but it's impossible for us to prove you really lost the stuff this way. Interested in joining? Just visit our website and fill out the application. We'll get you processed as soon as we can, but note we like to play the game too so it may take a few hours. If you haven't got a response in 24 hours let us know. Once you are accepted you'll get a PM on our forums with the password. You'll then need to join so we can add you to the whitelist.
  9. TheWalkingZed.com is running a contest for all members. All you have to do is be a player on one of our servers and join our new steam group to enter. Three lucky winners will receive a pass granting you early access to DOTA 2 from Valve! Don't forget we are now running both Chernarus and Taviana so there's plenty of opportunity to come have fun while also getting a chance to win these awesome prizes!
  10. Taviana seems to be going strong, definitely loving the new map!
  11. We are now testing running our own Taviana server! Come test it out and join in the party!
  12. Bump. Video of my capture. We have lots of fun on The Walking Zed, come join in!
  13. Last night was great! One of the clans on the server managed to capture me and take me prisoner, which lead to a 2 hour rescue mission. Let's just say I didn't get to bed til 3am! Come join in the fun!
  14. We've had a great influx of players lately, made for a lot of fun fights! Last night was apparently a 2 hour running battle! Come join in the fun!
  15. Server still going strong, come join in the fun! We've added in custom buildings so we now have an upgraded Northeast Airfield as well as a neutral, no shooting/stealing trading post. Between that and the addition of new vehicles we've got things rocking. Averaging over 30 players on at high times, there's plenty to do on The Walking Zed!
  16. Glad to have ya, Stevelord. The server is doing great lately, though we did decide to take down Namalsk due to the lack of interest - couldn't justify hosting it for 3 people on average. But Chernarus is still going strong. We've added in more vehicles as well as placed new structures to customize our player's experiences even more!
  17. We are currently upgrading our server, so when it comes back online it will run even smoother than before! Come check our our community when it comes back online!
  18. Bump again. We are seeing more applications rolling in, come join in the fun! Latest update fixed humanity not updating correctly and updated to latest OA version.
  19. The servers continue to do very well and continue to grow. Namalsk could definitely use more players though we are open to players for either.
  20. Always looking for more players, especially for our Namalsk server.