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Everything posted by kainelderan

  1. kainelderan

    Hosting bubble pop?

    As one of Ersan's customers, I will tell you for a fact that his services have been outstanding so far for a new startup. They have been very quick to respond to any issues we have had, which has been pretty far and few between minus that I'm fairly new to running a Dayz private hive server. We have had no lag whatsoever and until this DoS attack we've had pretty much no crashing. With how well they have responded to our questions / issues I will say they are highly recommended.
  2. Over 30 players on so far, could always use more. :)
  3. Server is still going great and we're getting more people in... come give us a try!
  4. 7 applications processed, hope to see more!
  5. @Suggysugs Just visit our website and fill out the application. @LunaTK No, generally that means if you are found to be making fun of someone for role-playing or purposefully going out of your way to ruin their fun, you'll be dealt with. Anyone is free to role-play whatever personality they feel like, we just don't want people that bash role-players for playing a different way. Generally in my past experience in other games I've seen this happen, and we're trying to build a friendly community to all. Two applications approved already, hope to see more! Come join in the fun!
  6. kainelderan

    US 2881, kill command

    I can verify this happened - I'm an admin on US 2881 but cant seem to find anywhere in the logs that this occured. :(