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Everything posted by kainelderan

  1. As a current private hive (bliss) server admin, I very much look forward to this being implemented. I am constantly having players complaining of others that combat log or that "hack", yet most of the time their accusations are actually not true. I've banned a whole 3 people for combat logging - one I witnessed myself and 2 that had video proof. Most of the time it's near impossible as an admin to figure out when people are doing things like combat logging or hacking, so this being added in will be invaluable to me. @Venthos, Thank you so much for your hard work on this. Just realize that a lot of times those who are happy with a system are quiet, while those who complain will scream at the top of their lungs about it. I've found this to be true across 20 years of gaming and being at various levels of admin/leadership and I'm sure any developer that deals with the public can say the same - it's why most devs are not often involved in posting in their own community forums very often. Keep your head up and know that there are many of us that appreciate your work.
  2. Bump.. server continues to run great! Last night we had over 30 players on, even when it hit night time thanks to the night always being full moon now! I also just updated to fix the vehicle repairs to work a lot better... come check us out! We could definitely use more friendlies!
  3. Some really cool updates lately. I've added in things like nights always being full moon and custom helicopter loot (no more AS50 or L85). Also just coming up with the rules to allow clans / groups to build their own custom buildings to provide them with their own "base" location on the map. We could really use more friendlies at the moment, as it seems like a lot have ended up going bandit (including myself :P ). Please note we try to discourage fresh spawn / newbie killing, it's not against the rules but if we find out someone is constantly camping new spawn areas intentionally looking to kill unarmed players, we will remove them.
  4. Apologies for the admin activiation requirement on the forums, but we had to go to that due to spammers getting past our CAPTCHA. I'm going to look into finding a fix for this soon. What name did you register under, I'll make sure your account is activated.
  5. Bump. Still always on the lookout for more players to join in our fun.
  6. We are glad to have you guys playing on SWC-Dayz. If you have any issues don't hesitate to contact me.
  7. Bump. Always looking for more to join us. We're upgrading and adding things all the time.
  8. Bumping again. We've been having a lot of fun lately, come join in!
  9. To the top! We continue to grow but can always use more players!
  10. Could definitely use more players, both bandit and friendly alike. Come join in the fun! We've got several groups running around now, the more we get the more targets or people to play with.
  11. Bump. Moving to the VPS seemed to definitely fix the issues we were having with loot not spawning. It's been a great last few nights on the server, you should come join in the fun!
  12. We've now officially migrated to our own VPS, which has given us a lot more control over everything. We've now got database backups working, BEC going and we have an awesome ping! Come check us out.
  13. Just quit feeding the troll. He'll move on eventually.
  14. I didn't respond here before now to let things calm down a bit, but I feel that anyone reading this might get a bad impression of our server based off Joshie and his friends posts. It's amusing how they want to go on and on about how they were banned because of killing other players, smashing their base, etc. Because these are the same things *both* admins are doing as bandits currently. But there hasn't been *any* drama from us doing so - the players rally and fight back and kill us. The difference is how we (the bandit admins) conduct ourselves maturely. The very first time I witnessed Joshie and crew raiding another group's base on our server, 6 of them came in and wiped out a larger group. They then commenced to laying waste to the entire base - destroying all vehicles, tents, etc. I never once thought of banning them for these things, even when they killed me. But where issues came in was they then started talking all kinds of junk in side chat - how they "owned" us, they were like a "Seal Team", "killed us like we were Osama", etc. I had several different people complain to me then about this. Some responded with their own insults. Eventually I ended up making new rules regarding smack talking in side chat. Within a couple days, I was receiving numerous complaints about these players - anyone that complained about being killed or their stuff being destroyed, I did *exactly* as I have done since before Joshie and crew ever came to our server - I told them that is part of the game, it was not against our server rules. Then I got another complaint that a player was being constantly harassed by Joshie and crew - they were insisting he was a hacker, they had even contacted me to say he was a hacker, but I found no indications to prove he was one. I witnessed several of them harass this player over side chat, one of them obviously placed a few markers on the map talking about him being a hacker and one of them even registered on our forums simply to harrass him further there. Due to all these combined things, it was decided to remove Joshie and crew from the server. Since their ban, they continued to post complaining about their ban on our forums until they were finally removed there, so obviously they've brought it here. Honestly, the server is thriving without them. We continue to grow and are moving to our own VPS to give us more control over things. Things that are gonna be added in soon: - Database backups in case of hackers - More tailored vehicle spawns, including adding in stuff not normally available in DayZ - Custom Loadouts for new spawns - Looking into the ability to add lighting in the cities at night - Removing the L85 and possibly more
  15. kainelderan

    Dayz Night Lighting

    I'd love to get this going on our private hive server as well, we are just transferring to a VPS where we have full control of everything. Is there a way I could get in contact with ya outside of these forums?
  16. Bump. Come join in the fun! Our bandit numbers increased a bit while our survivors went down, so could definitely use some more friendlies now!
  17. Bump. Server community continues to grow, but would love to see even more. Daytime seems kinda quiet, would definitely like to get more for those times.
  18. We're regularly getting to over 20 to 25 players a night lately, we'd love to see our server fill up so come join in the fun as we try to survive the zeds and bandits roaming SWC-DayZ!
  19. Bump. Had some great times already this weekend, haven't laughed so hard in awhile. Come join us to get away from all the hackers, doesn't matter if you're a bandit or a survivor, you're welcome to play with us!
  20. Always room for move survivors and bandits on our server. We've got a few different groups going already and several lonewolves... which will you be? Come join us and have some fun!
  21. Our community continues to grow it seems on a daily basis. You should check us out too!
  22. Back to the top with you! We've got some bandits now! Let's get some more people to give em something to shoot at! :P
  23. Server is going quite well, we keep getting more applications though we're lacking in the bandit department - could use some decent bandits to make things interesting.