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About bman2883

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bman2883

    Banned (wrongfully!) from US 1037

    Thanks Sparky, all working legit now, you guys run a great server. One more thing though, in the confusion I think you also banned one of my playing partners (in game name Daddy-O, literally my 50+ year old dad :) he's definitely not a hacker...) Can I point him to the same TS server for resolution? His ban message is slightly different 'object access flooding'.
  2. Hi fellas, About 10:20 p.m. Eastern time (08/31/2012) a hacker killed everyone on the server, unfortunately I was stuck sideways on an ATV trying to right it and was spared death. Server was taken down shortly after and when I tried to log back in I was banned! :( I'm a trustworthy player who has been playing on this server for awhile with a bunch of my buddies (my name is Brian in game). Anything you can do to rectify this would be great because I love this server for it's active stance against hackers and scripters! Thanks! -Brian
  3. Hi fellas, About 10:20 p.m. Eastern time (08/31/2012) a hacker killed everyone on the server, unfortunately I was stuck sideways on an ATV trying to right it and was spared death. Server was taken down shortly after and when I tried to log back in I was banned! :( I'm a trustworthy player who has been playing on this server for awhile with a bunch of my buddies (my name is Brian in game). Anything you can do to rectify this would be great because I love this server for it's active stance against hackers and scripters! Thanks! -Brian