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Everything posted by emergykins

  1. emergykins

    Traders and Traitors

    please give oshnatour1 a +1 rep for the sucess full trade, enjoy your SVD :D
  2. emergykins

    [TRADE] Wanting to trade away M4A3 CCO

    I'm at Stary or near there atm, maybe we arrange a trade? i've got a spare ghillie suit lying around if you want?
  3. emergykins

    Traders and Traitors

    please give +2 to StroupBSlayen. he gave me and my friend each a ghillie suit, NVG's, Rangefinders and gave me an SVD Camo and this was all for free. definetly would trade again! :D
  4. emergykins

    [Trade] Looking to trade a few things

    i have a tent, and like 3 water bottles? ill trade for a NVG and the m16? skype -> emerge.jake
  5. yo, im an aussie, add me on skype and we can hit some DayZ up? skype -> emerge.jake AND steam-> destroyhed