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Everything posted by Waymer

  1. Every time I enter a server (I have only tested this on one server), I become incapacitated for about five minutes, I haven't the slightest clue how to fix this. The glitch started when I got killed by another player and spawned in incapacitated. The next time I played the game I spawned unconcious again, so I logged out to see if it would happen yet again, and it did. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  2. Alright, thanks! Still wierd how that carried over from one character to another.
  3. I recently got Lingor Island for Day Z, and I played it for hours with no problems. But me and my friends felt like playing in Cheranus, so I went into the expansions and disabled everything associated with Lingor Island. We were able to play Day Z fine after that, but when I next launched the beta patch, it launched the original Arma II. All of the menu buttons were out of place and when I managed to reenable the lingor island mods it would launch and dispaly the lingor island loading screen but soon switch to the original Arma II loading screen and I would be in Arma II instead of Op Arrowhead. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling both games entirely. Does anyone know a way that I can fix this?