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Everything posted by Panas

  1. Panas

    Chernarus Height Map

    Hello! First of all, thank you man for the post and for the great job your done! It is real awesome! Second - I'm sorry for my broken english :) Third thing - can you help me, pleeeese? I try to do that you do with new map of DayZ SA - Chernarus Plus and when I try to make xyz file by Roller - it start but then it say to me - can't allocate memory. I chek (i do not know how it say in english) system monitor - it happens when ruby process use more then 2 Gb of memory. I think it because of 32bit version of ruby in that roller. I try to make it with old version of map from DayZ Mod, and same thing. I do not know how you do that but you are genius. Can you make new post with new height map of Chernarus Plus? Pleeeeeeeeeese!