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About jasonchaser@live.co.uk

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    On the Coast

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  1. jasonchaser@live.co.uk

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    I think he was meaning this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loose_lips_sink_ships
  2. jasonchaser@live.co.uk

    Did I deserve the Global Ban?

    I was globally banned, there is nothing that can change that, however I want to ask the community if they think I deserved it. I was on DE369 (I think) and suddenly I was ported over the sea and died, no biggy spent the rest of the day looking for new stuff and I find myself a ATV and spent hours reparing it (It was in the middle of nowhere) once done I hid it and logged off. The next day I log on, hop on the ATV and start on my way to stary for some tent rifling and some banditry. Half way there I suddenly lag and appear in the middle of a clearing and immediatly crash into a bus, all the vehicles had been ported to this location and the hacker opened up on me, I hid and tried using my map to plot my location (using markers to work out where I was in relation to cities) and pop the entire server was over the sea again. I went mental and decided that the best way to get my damn ATV back was to use a map hack. I looked one up and how to use it booted it up and started DAYZ but while it was loading I started to calm and by the time I hit the lobby I had second thoughts, the Irony was that the thought I had was "I dont want to be banned I have found vehicles before I can again" and closed DAYZ, stopped the hack, deleted it and started DAYZ again and played normally. When I got home from a weekend trip I tried to start DAYZ and got Global Ban 634B (I think) Do you think I don't deserve this ban or do you consider this fair?
  3. jasonchaser@live.co.uk

    Hacker on DE839 RIGHT NOW

    Yes there is a hacker that frequents DE839 daily, he is on there now, he teleports all vehicles then spawns us over the ocean, just wondering if you know about it admins
  4. jasonchaser@live.co.uk

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Can I join? Now I want to try to preempt the questions and just link you a few things http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/user/718048-rathios1337/ http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Rathios1337 http://www.photoshop.com/users/Rathios1337/albums/a65290be2d7843bba08e9bd9bc1f47bf