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About Overhang

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  1. I'm in the same boat OP. Played in May, quit late June and just come back this W/E. First few hours, friend and I had just raided stary and then running through the woods and my friend is sniped, I keep running and then try and double back behind him. Find the 2 players, kill them and then the same player I killed ports back to me and kills me. He then approached me on the coast and took me back to my gear as he felt bad. Then yesterday we were raiding the Chern fire station and a bandit spawns in, we empty clips into him and its quickly apparent he is a hacker, I yell "die you hacking c**t" and a child's voice replies "I'd rather not". He then spawns an M249 and we had to DC. That and finding a AS50 with thermal in the supermarket indicates how rampant the hackers are. We are now only playing Chern deathmatch style, stay in the city and kill as many as possible because there is no point going north when hackers are invulnerable or can see your position on a map.
  2. Overhang

    Zombies are Mike Tyson

    I don't mind that they knock you out but its the duration that's ridiculous. You should not be 12k blood to 0 from 1 zombie, decrease the duration to like 5 seconds.
  3. Why even bother replying if your just going to be a prick about it? You saw the topic before you opened it so if you're sick of reading it then don't click on it.
  4. Date/Time: 24/7/12, about 10pm (australian time) What happened: The server restarted and upon logging back in I found I had lost my backpack, pistol, main weapon and all equipment. Still had pistol ammo bandages and all the gear in my master inventory like food etc. I also have a ghillie suit which I was wearing at the time and that survived too. Where you were: South East of Vyborg What you were doing: Running through a field *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: NZ1 * *Timeline of events before/after error: Attempted logging on again but the problem still persisted.
  5. I propose a solution to prevent server hoppers. I think players should be required to set a spawn location, the spawn location you set can only be in the wilderness and would consist of a drop down box similar to climbing a ladder. This would not be a physical object that other players can see, everytime you reconnect to a server you spawn at the location you last set. You can relocate as many times as you like and if you havent selected a spawn then you spawn on the coast. It's not perfect and has the exploit that players can run to the coast and then dc to spawn back up north but overall I think its a suitable compromise.
  6. Care to explain how its practical other than griefing and exploiting in regards to blocking off entrances to buidlings. Not sure how much you've played but its not uncommon to have all the key lootable buildings in electro and chern blocked off.
  7. I see it as an exploit because you screw other players around by spawning behind them while their looting. Have died several times at NW due to hoppers and its so frustrating because you can't scout for that crap.
  8. Overhang

    Player Behavoir Evolution

    Oh wait I just spawned and don't have a toolkit or Oh wait I have a tool kit but the hotspot is hidden in the wall/ ground preventing me from cutting it.
  9. Why are people even able to save camps and vehicles outside the boundaries of the map? Surely the boundary could be adjusted so that the server won't save camps outside the map.
  10. This and ALT F4 are the two biggest problems in the game ATM imo, I can live with the bugs etc but you just feel cheated when another player uses these loopholes to their advantage. My suggestion is that players are required to setup a camp, this doesn't have to be anything physically visible but just a drop down box option that you can select this spot to make your base. You can only setup base in the wilderness as attempting to in a city etc will give an error similar to trying to harvest wood outside a forest. When you disconnect you will spawn at your last base no matter where you disconnected from. If you have no base and you disconnect then you spawn back on the coast.
  11. Overhang

    Australian/New Zealand Servers

    Na pretty much as you described have to just spam enter until you finally get in. But considering I haven't paid a cent for this mod and I haven't paid a cent for the server usage I can't complain too much.
  12. then join an expert server, boom problem solved, and it doesn't adversely affect me. As Zombie pointed out most the servers are 3rd person and as I'm an Aussie these numbers are even worse as our servers are always full so getting on any server is tough never mind finding a veteran server.