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About franko1932

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  1. franko1932

    Something Needs Changing

    I think you are missing my point. Maybe I'm too accustomed to forums where people actually understand basic game design' date=' but I really cannot make this any simpler. [/quote'] Yes, you are the enlightened one; not the guy that created the MOD which took a game and by one MOD increased an entire games sales. Yes, you are the enlightened one; not those of the community that have been playing the MOD since its inception. I am not saying that there should never be any suggestions or that things cannot be improved; my problem is with your premise, that only you knows what is best for the success of this MOD, and that anyone that disagrees with you does not know what they are talking about. Too many times people make suggestions and get butt hurt when it does not go over well with the community; get over yourselves, that is how you grow as an individual, not by getting defensive because you did not have a popular suggestion.
  2. franko1932

    Something Needs Changing

    Yeah, that is great and all, but it is unfortunately null once you realize you can just pop a guy with only a peashooter to defend himself with to avoid all that trouble. Ok, I understand now, you are upset because you CHOOSE to go the easy route and you want something to change so that you no longer have the CHOICE to shoot another player. You would rather put newbs in a position to shoot other players because they do not spawn with anything to venture into the game with. I am not trying to be a smartass but, your whole argument is predicated around you making that decision to take the easier route, which is absolutely your decision, as it is everyones decision that plays this game. I choose to be a lone survivor that would rather challenge myself going into a city than doing the easy thing and camping a shore line just because I do not have any beans left; again that is just my decision, but I do not think the game should change based off my personal decisions.
  3. franko1932

    See others on map...

    Agreed, this should be taken off. My fear is that people start catering to the knew crowd that has never played arma before and complain because they do not take the time to get to know the landscape. I hope this mod does not get dumbed down or lose the real life feel that draws most of us to this game.
  4. franko1932

    Why this mod is the best thing to happen to PC gaming

    I like what this mod does for the simple fact that it is a realistic setting. I do not mean that zeds are realistic, but it is set in real time and I am able to connect to my player. No offense to those that like these types of games, but I get so tired of seeing these MMO games where you are an elf or some magical person fighting dragons and other magical people. Why do so many game developers miss out on making real world type games like this? I believe that this mod is so popular because it is a breath of fresh air; and not necessarily because of the zombies, but because of everything that I just mentioned. I can get more involved with my player when I could see myself a situation.
  5. franko1932

    IF you're a bandit READ

    Well said sir. Sitting on the coast is boring. I also agree. I choose not to be a bandit, but if I were it would definately not be on the coast. Congrats you camp people who just spawn...to get a Makarov? Good job buddy.
  6. franko1932

    Just when I was getting bored with the game...

    Camp out in Elektro and wait for a bandit to come camp the town and F him up.
  7. It could add to the game to find plantable seeds, i.e. corn, beans, wheat, etc. You would have to find a shovel or other instruments, but then as people do with tents, you could search out a location in the woods and plant your own food source which could be harvested in a weeks server time or something.
  8. franko1932

    The Disconnect Penalty

    My only concern with the delay is if you disconnect in a town where there are zeds, even if you are not engaged with zeds, one may come across your body and obviously you cannot defend yourself. Now the obvious thing would be not to disconnect in a town, but at times I know that I have to get off quickly (go to work, something comes up with the wife, etc). This may not be a huge concern, but just a thought.
  9. franko1932

    Whats your Reason?

    Purely situational for me. If I am scoping out a town/area prior to entering and see dead bodies, it is shoot on site; obviously those individuals did not all die from zeds. I say that though and I have only killed one person, which was a bandit. I much rather prefer to team up with a group for a while, help them out with whatever they are trying to do, then move on down the road by myself and possibly meet up with another group.
  10. franko1932

    Icon Guide

    I was playing today, killed a bandit that was attempting to kill me and I seen an icon that I had not seen before (i have only been playing for two days); it was almost like a broken pill, but had two tips on the end. I have seen the broken bone symbol and this was not it. Does anyone know what this was or if an icon guide exists?
  11. franko1932

    Waiting For Server Response

    Not trying to be an ass or take a MOD's place, but there is a topic listed two topics down from this where we are having the same issue: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=493
  12. franko1932

    I cant find any servers

    This has just started happening to me; all of a sudden when I click to play mutliplayer none of the MP servers are populated, the list is just empty. I have taken out my "dayz" filter and no other servers pop up as well. I am not sure how this happens or how to fix it. Everything is updated, I just got done playing MP approximately 40 minutes ago. ---Edit--- It must have been my firewall; I reset it and it finally shows servers again.
  13. franko1932

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I believe that this mod achieves it's goal based on the complaints about PVP. This mod, as I understand it, is not meant to be JUST a zombie mod. It is a survival mod with a zombie element, as well as, a human interaction element. Hypothetically if a situation such as this occurred in the world, the human vs. human interaction would be just as dangerous as any human vs. zombie interaction.