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Everything posted by pwajnkaim

  1. pwajnkaim

    Some little things to Improve DayZ

    Jumping would be a terrible suggestion, you would not be able to jump over a 1m fence in real life without a run-up or carrying a heavy bag and a gun. It would also ruin the immersion seeing a bunch of idiots hopping about the place. I think a climb mechanic would be suitable for getting up high ledges but vaulting should still remain for getting over fences and similar obstacles.
  2. pwajnkaim

    Houses in DayZ! Make a house a home!

    sounds great, not so sure about doorbells but barricading windows and stuff sounds awesome. It would let you make a proper base.
  3. Perhaps a wanted poster system? If a person kills a lot of people then they would generate wanted posters on certain spots in the map, then whenever you see the person that was mentioned on the poster you would know to shoot on sight. Perhaps there should also be 'do you need help?' posters for heroes which would tell people the name of any a hero that has been healing people a lot or killed a lot of bandits.
  4. pwajnkaim

    anti-wiki tactics

    But some things in the game really need an explanation, such as how to use such a complicated inventory system or be aware of dangerous bugs which can make me lose items, also the character in dayz is wearing a military suit and knows how to use guns so he must have some knowledge at least about what ammo a gun uses, so why not wiki that up.
  5. I'm not good with this coding stuff but didn't he say this will make it so the server has to do more things then the client?
  6. I don't get the whole argument about him being a hero, It's obvious he's a bandit, also I'm fine with him using 3rd person like that, in real life you could just peek out your head to quickly see whats going on, not fully crouch and let half of your body be seen just to get a clear view. Also that was a hacker, it's good he died.
  7. pwajnkaim

    losing humanity

    I have been playing dayz today and I healed my friend with a bandage, I noticed my humanity meter went up by 20. I continued playing and somehow found that my humanity somehow went down by 2, then by 1 and now it's at 2517. I have no idea how it went down, I didn't shoot any survivor, just zombies, in fact I didn't even see any survivors, I was just with my friend and I had a winchester equipped the whole time so if I did shoot anyone I would have killed them but I have 0 murders. Is this a bug?
  8. pwajnkaim

    Why is the bus so bad?

    I think the number of slots should rise dependent of the number of empty seats. That means you can use the bus to transport large groups or transport large amounts of items.
  9. I swear I heard someone say somewhere that there is a 3rd person view because in real life you would get a much better field of view then a screen and also be able to spot people much easier. So 3rd person was added to compensate for the lack of human scenes and a bad field of view.