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-ACES- The Trail

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About -ACES- The Trail

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  1. -ACES- The Trail

    Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

    well fuck. Just got this bug, Lost all my gear was in the wilderness, only thing that was the same was my blood level and food / water and zombie kills thanks crappy server hosts died at 550 zombie kills, plenty of gear, blood, decent ammo, good bandages to. Fuck
  2. -ACES- The Trail

    First hacker encounter

    there was no log off message, my buddy did not see him leave the server also I know he was using either one of those two due to the distinctive gun / bullet noises
  3. -ACES- The Trail

    First hacker encounter

    Serious actually, why would I be trolling about that?
  4. -ACES- The Trail

    First hacker encounter

    My buddy got shot with either a VSS vintorez or a Bizon (we weren't sure) I went to investigate, managed to get 2 or 3 winchster shots on him, saw him go prone (guess I didn't hit anything vital) then he vanished, no body, no crawling or rolling away he just vanished. After that I just decided, better log off before he teleport hack kills me
  5. -ACES- The Trail

    I need arma 2

    yup you need arma 2 combined ops
  6. -ACES- The Trail

    DayZ US Download Server Not Working

    *enter facepalm picture here* Your steam version dictates the language, the mod by no means dictates or changes your language of the game
  7. -ACES- The Trail

    Build Hotfix

    adding myself to the list of FPS droppers also I have to agree with jules, the scroll wheel options were good.
  8. -ACES- The Trail

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    So says some lefty crybaby. Simple fact is that nobody is going to pick up exotic weapons now. In your fucked up universe however' date=' all those who cheated would be counseled so they could better understand why it is a bad thing to cheat in a multi-player game. And then those same assholes would come right back and do it again. It is sad if a few people got banned because of their ignorance of the game, but it isn't some tragedy that will bring down the mod or any such horseshit. Life sucks and that is a common theme in Dayz, so man the fuck up and get over it. [/quote'] Instead of making an Ad honinem attack on him why dont you get some research to further your own point instead of only providing YOUR opinion. At this point you are fighting FACTS with OPINION and that just looks silly really.
  9. -ACES- The Trail

    Am i a Bandit now?

    maybe not a bandit but definitely a murderer. that said if you gave the guy enough time to answer friendly (assuming you told him, guy with sniper rifle, aiming at me, around *bush *building etc friendly or enemy?) or not does ease things a bit for your own conscious
  10. -ACES- The Trail

    that feeling you get....

    When you and a friend loot 20 bloodpacks from a hospital .... feels great feel free to share some euphoric experiences here in this thread. As many as you want.