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pph frostycrotch

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About pph frostycrotch

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  1. pph frostycrotch

    this is geting out of hand

    im gonna have to agree with with neil79, lots of bran new hackers go on low pops to avoid admins and detection, there is no safe servers anymore
  2. pph frostycrotch

    this is geting out of hand

    today i got m203ed in the back by a teleporter, yesterday shot through a stone wall with a pistol, before that, teleported to the sky about 25k meters up. EVERY SERVER ON CHERNARUS HAS A HACKER i cant play without seeing scripts,or teleporting, like their not even hiding it, one hacker was teleporting around me and laughing. the new constant banning isnt helping, i cant log on a server for chernarus without a hacker being there, something needs to be done because its REALY bad. Normal game play is no longer existant
  3. pph frostycrotch


  4. pph frostycrotch


    this is like the 4th server iv been banned from. this time i didnt even kill the owner, i was acutally trying to help him. ok story time: im in the massive hills of lingor island running around and stuff, then i notice of group of snipers 300m away from me, there were 3 of them and 1 had a as-50 tws, and i knew the admin will ban people because of those i thought id be nice and get rid of it for him, so i do some pvp kill the group of 3 and despose of the as-50 tws, i say in global hey i got rid of this as-50 thermal these guys were carrying, check the logs its gone now, next thing you know the admin is accusing me of spawning it in. then bans me from the server after i got rid of it. next time im just gonna grab that as-50 and kill the admins with it, and cheer in their tears
  5. pph frostycrotch

    pissed off admin

    wtf heli hunter your dead wrong u were exposed and easy to hit, dont get mad because i was single handedly kicking your whole clans ass
  6. pph frostycrotch

    pissed off admin

    he banned me from his server
  7. pph frostycrotch

    pissed off admin

    server hop in? i dont understand how do i do that?
  8. pph frostycrotch

    pissed off admin

    so i was on server us 850, destroying this scrubby clan called CNSF, today i shot down their heli, and kill 9 of their players, next thing i know 2 mins after the last kill the admin kicks me. he kicked me because i was destorying them...? anyway for all you bandits <3 out there, their camp is at berinzio at the school, gonna need a toolbox, good luck, and plz shoot [CNSF] Joe for me, hes the admin
  9. pph frostycrotch

    wanting to trade, not sure if alowed or not

    5g? thats like nothing, lol i make that from stepping outside of a city
  10. pph frostycrotch

    wanting to trade, not sure if alowed or not

    i know you cant duplicate anymore, but i have like 3 m4 holos i dont want, sooooooo, trading it seems like a good idea
  11. pph frostycrotch


    ok what about world of world of warcraft and dayz?
  12. i acutally want to trade dayz weapons for wow gold, sorry if im not suppose to talk about this, still not sure
  13. pph frostycrotch


    so if i want to trade like nvgs for a as50 i can post about that?
  14. pph frostycrotch


    sorry i couldnt find my last post, is trading allowed?
  15. pph frostycrotch


    is trading alowed on these forums?