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Everything posted by blaf

  1. blaf

    So Yesterday

    Or just dicks
  2. blaf


    Yup, i use shotguns for hunting them, however even then are they quite difficult to hit. One time i managed to make the rabbit jump off the cliff killing himself... not sure if it wasnt lemming though...
  3. blaf

    Weapons & Chernarus

    Ah, i see... However even that isnt true, every gun has its own model. AKM AK-74
  4. Me wants Arma3 engine, me wants it nao! This man speaks truth
  5. blaf

    Weapons & Chernarus

    I suppose you would have quite problem with finding ammo to particular gun with such variety
  6. blaf

    Weapons & Chernarus

    This is already implemented, as par example AKM uses 7,62, while AK-74 only 5,45
  7. blaf

    Weapons & Chernarus

    Your linked list isnt actually complete... Please see complete list on following link: http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_weapons/classlist?version=58
  8. blaf

    If rocket makes this standalone

    It is supposed to use Arma3 engine (which looks pretty good imo)
  9. blaf

    If rocket makes this standalone

    As both client and server files of mod are out, there is no way Rocket may stop you playing it as long as there will be someone willing to run a server (at least at this point server may run without Hive connection).
  10. Are you sure you are launching Arma Combined operations and not just basic Arma2?
  11. blaf

    Your first murder!

    One time logging on the server took longer than usual, so i was surfing the web in the meantime. When i alt tabbed back to game, i was already logged in and i realized theres some guy slashing me with crowbar and yelling "Die! Die! Die!". Even as a pacifist i found that quite offensive action, so i unloaded makarov clip into him. Then he passed out... to my surprise he woke up after some time, took some bandages (we were in hospital), stopped his bleeding... and i shot him in the head. However this is my only murder for my whole DayZ history (more than month)...
  12. blaf

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Yup, there are still many of them in service today.
  13. I vote for making it sticky :)
  14. We are testers... Actually, devs are testing patches before release, however many bugs will appear only under stress test caused by many users, thats what alpha test is for atm...
  15. I must admit, watching bus full of noobs falling off cliff could be quite fun to watch :)
  16. blaf

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    Not all apocalypse settings are friendly... For those who didnt saw it i recommend The Road movie (or better the book, but who reads books these days :)), where is this overall distrust nicely portrayed... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbLgszfXTAY I of course would also rather see some more friendly environment, but till the game will grow to such state, we will have to adapt to what we have now.
  17. blaf

    Need help please read!!!!

    You are playin on 8800? That surprises me, what resolution are you running?
  18. blaf

    Need help please read!!!!

    Phew... This is motherboard: Its a platform supporting all other components. But i suppose you wont be building the computer by yourself, so you may not worry about it :)
  19. blaf

    Suggestion for Super Rare Weapon

    I would rather see super rare armored vehicle which repairable (this would have to be very difficult) wreck would spawn randomly somewhere on the map... I mean, what everyone has with the katana thing? :)
  20. You have your own hunting grounds? You psycho!
  21. blaf

    Day Z Urban Legends

    U mad? Going to Green mountain AT NIGHT?!? You are either incredibly brave or...
  22. blaf

    How do I use melee?

  23. He looks pretty badass, i would rather give him the game or we might end badly...
  24. blaf

    Just Grass

    1.7.2 is quite buggy at the moment, just be patient and wait for hotfixes to come out. In the meantime i would recommend you trying the basic Arma2 game, as it has its charm too (and you will at learn basics useful later in Dayz)