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Everything posted by blaf

  1. blaf

    Need immidiete help!

    I overlooked you have only two gigs of ram, my bad. Therefore i would advice you to buying some 8GB module (the speed doesnt really matter), those are pretty cheap these days...
  2. blaf

    Need immidiete help!

    I play on HD 5670 and it runs well on lower detail settings. You of course wont be able to set everything to high, however you will be able to play reasonable reasonable medium settings. The faster the better :)
  3. blaf

    Need immidiete help!

    Definitely, your GPU is absolutely sufficient, however i would consider overclocking the CPU a little bit, as DayZ is quite CPU demanding
  4. blaf

    Make it harder, less loot

    Dont forget that even guy with thermal M107 can be pretty easily chopped with hatched...
  5. blaf

    Make it harder, less loot

    I dont agree, however i would increase military equip rarity and add some more common guns (maybe even percussion) at lower level loot.
  6. blaf

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    serverload for that many zombies...insane. I'd rather make it so that some zeds are constantly at cities (say 10-20 based on size) and that more spawn in when you get within 1km of the city. This makes it so even someone with sniper range can't tell if there are nearby players since at 1km+ you wont be able to tell for sure if those prespawn zeds are player spawned, and any closer and you wont know if you spawned them or not. 4 sq kilometers populated per player multiplied by 50 players would mean that the whole map gets populated.
  7. blaf

    Zombie 1-Hit Knockdown

    It happens to me on very rare occasions, therefore i dont find it a problem, mainly as your goal should be to avoid zombies.
  8. blaf

    Game is unplayable

  9. You build a tent, stuff it with stuff, than die and come back for the stuff
  10. blaf

    Guy gets robbed

    Thats probably the stupidest way to survive such robbery :)
  11. blaf

    Blood syringes

    I think its better that you need assistance for transfusion. For lonewolves there are always cows to hunt down, which is also quite fun.
  12. blaf

    Friendly Survivors

    Yes, i met two today. however i also met about 10 that tried to kill me(mostly successfully) Im too weak to shoot them on sight, although i always promise ill start with that after each death :)
  13. blaf

    Yeah.... I need some help....

    Also dont forget to switch to "Direct chat" via < and > buttons, otherwise you would be speaking on channel other people cant hear (read)
  14. blaf

    Dupe, never die and no zombies bug

    I have to try this :)
  15. blaf

    Carry Teammates

    To be honest, i dont know why this isnt already implemented
  16. Btw, once you kidnap someone, you should also be able to rob him :)
  17. blaf

    Can My computer run DayZ?

    Well... no. CPU would require massive overclocking and still it doesnt have dedicated GPU, so you probably wont be able to run the game at all.
  18. Btw, if you know many girls, you might have some better things to do than begging for video games...
  19. Everyone who played the game "Blood" knows how flares should behave :)
  20. blaf

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Whoa, that was definitely the Zombie Lord, the final boss of this game!
  21. blaf

    fix the weapons bug

  22. blaf

    Class types and skills?

    Basic idea of having characters somehow skilled in some profession isnt basically bad, i wouldnt call it "classes" though, it should be more like "character background" and shouldnt you limit to eg. specific type of guns or something.