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Everything posted by leftyytwo

  1. leftyytwo

    Bandit Hunting Group! NOW! ASAP!

    EDIT of OP POST : Looking for campers to prevent other campers so we can take the other campers kills.
  2. leftyytwo

    New Clan [AK] Recruiting

    lets play? add me on steam cardiaK (slammed audi a8) and give me the vent info
  3. Exactly as the title states, if any clans feel like posting go ahead but I would like to be able to get a chance to play with you tonight. PM, post, or hit me up on steam (cardiaK) ... avatar is a slammed audi a8 on rotiforms. I'm tryna paint the town red.
  4. I've got ventrilo, mumble, TS and damn I guess I could DL skype in good enough circumstances. I'm looking for a group who truly enjoys the PvP aspect of this game and teamwork without being in a community that brings people in daily and posts info all over the forums. I want to be able to get into team fights and run across strays as we hunt people throughout the world enjoying ourselves... tl;dr i want some cool friends to PvP with in a smaller group setting. Hit me up on here or steam! i'm cardiaK on steam, picture is slammed a8 on rotiforms... i'm 18.
  5. leftyytwo

    looking for a svd camo

    Refer to : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/87732-i-love-to-work-in-groups-not-communities-of-40-people-anyone-want-to-get-killing/ if still searching
  6. leftyytwo

    looking for a svd camo

    I have a SVD camo, but what's not making me take a shot at you with my M107? Or better yet...
  7. and is unusable? even if i have ammo? have tried everything suggested on google. reinstalling right now.... basically no guns will fire it just clicks as if it has no ammo and will not reload. i can only use a hatchet...is this a real easy fix and a stupid problem i'm having or whats up ?
  8. leftyytwo

    looking for group

    hey everyone, although still fairly new to DayZ I am far from a stranger to online mmo's and fps alike. I recently bought dayz and have been learning the basics on my own, but finding the greater equipment seems to be such a pain without any companionship. I'm here to see who would like to "SQQQQUUUUAAADDD UP" and travel together. I've got ventrilo a server and most forms of communication. PM me on here or add me on steam my names cardiaK, with a picture of a slammed audi a8 on rotiforms.
  9. Just like the title states, i'm in cherno atm looking for someone or a few people to venture with. i have my own supplies and a ventrilo server we can use. add me on steam cardiaK
  10. leftyytwo

    Trade Ghillie suit for AS50

    hey man add me on steam my name is cardiaK, i'm looking for someone to partner up with so you dont have to worry about me blowing your brains out. I have a vent server we can use too
  11. hey man! add me on steam i've got a ventrilo we can use my name is cardiaK and has a picture of a slammed a8 as avatar
  12. leftyytwo

    looking for group

    anyone trying to join vent and play?
  13. leftyytwo

    every gun i pickup appears red on HUD?

    do you mean like out of the backpack and into the available space? both the side arm and primary mags i believe were in the correct place. i didnt even know you could open your backpack at this point, like i said i'm fairly new but I couldnt find any way around this bug. trying a fresh install now, would still appreciate any feedback
  14. leftyytwo

    no weapons will fire

    hello everyone, was playing dayz when all the sudden i got a new weapon and now every weapon i pick up even if i have ammo displays red on the HUD and theres no little dot on the crosshair as if i can't use the weapon. this happens with all weapons. i was wondering if i will have to reinstall all the games and dayz or if this is a simple proble. i have dropped/picked up the weapon(s), restarted computer, and pressed about every key on the keyboard including "F" to cycle weapons :/
  15. leftyytwo

    looking for group

    yes i have mumble, if you would like to use mumble or ventrilo let me know but i'm not sure if i know any active mumble servers. either drop me your steam here or any info i can contact you with