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Dave Caffeine

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Everything posted by Dave Caffeine

  1. Dave Caffeine

    Trailer for our new hardcore based epoch server, afternight

    Mist and his mods have had it out for my group since 20 mins after we joined this server. They banned my friend for breaking unexplained "trader city camping" rules, they deleted a chopper my friend didn't break rules to steal (then denied it), then they banned me for calling them out on their BS. Any groups that enjoy PVP like my group does, I'd suggest playing elsewhere.
  2. So you want to force the majority of the player base to play what you like instead of what they like?
  3. I don't see what the problem is. If you don't like private hives don't play on them.
  4. Myself and possibly a few of my friends are looking for an established group, or just a few more people to play epoch with. 18+ only please Steam: [MB] Dave Caffeine Skype: Dave Ruthruff
  5. Dave Caffeine

    Anarchists NOW RECRUITING!

    Im interested in playing with you guys. Do you have a teamspeak I can join?
  6. Oh look another "you banned me when I was completely innocent" thread. You can't lie to the server admin.
  7. Dave Caffeine

    US 1037 "antihax" ban

    nobody ever shot at our chopper. None of our clan members recall seeing your name in the server. you want to blacklist a server from using battle eye?
  8. Dave Caffeine

    DayZ Vets

    tents pop back up on server restart...
  9. Dave Caffeine

    Why are some servers allowed to cheat?

    No you didn't If you were banned you were hacking and battle eye banned you If you're complaining about restarts get over yourself the admins can restart whenever they damn well please
  10. hmm the AS50 does not spawn anywhere at the NWAF it only spawns at heli crash sites.
  11. looks like I missed out on some fun. Hacker tears are delicious.
  12. Dave Caffeine

    Seattle 67

    In the conversation that I had with robbie we discussed him spawning with weapons to kill bandits, not hackers. He justified this by saying they (bandits) "need to die", and that they're "ruining the game for others". Robbie's response to other playing in a way he doesn't like is to cheat.
  13. Dave Caffeine

    Seattle 67

    I just came to report this as well then i saw your post. It's like Pinindajin said the server owner openly admits to spawning himself with a sniper rifle whenever someone is playing in a way he dislikes.
  14. No I don't want another way for people to magically tell if someone is good or bad.
  15. Dave Caffeine

    How do i get the FPS hotfix?

    you would obtain it the same way you would obtain an update. Said hotfix however is not out yet.
  16. What you're not realizing though is losing all of your equipment at a moments notice is an integral part of the mod. The threat of instant unpredictable death keeps you constantly on edge, and gives value to the equipment you have been lucky enough to find or obtain via "other" methods.
  17. Dave Caffeine

    Carebear Brainstorming Thread

    I wish the mods would start locking these threads.
  18. Expecting every player killer in this game to bend to your will is unrealistic and isn't going to happen simply because they don't give a shit, you can't make them give a shit, and they shouldn't have to give a shit. I think you are exaggerating the number of players that will leave the game because they were player killed. We were all new players once, and we have all undoubtedly been murdered in Cherno and or Elektro and yet we are all still here.
  19. Here's an idea, Don't go in cherno or elektro and expect to live. I don't and most of my characters last a few days.
  20. How about no. The only reason I'm a bandit is 2 survivors tried to murder me for my ak when i was still a survivor. Needless to say they failed but the mod cant tell the difference between murder and self defense. Now everyone shoots at me, bandit and survivor alike without a second thought and more times than not scrubby ass survivors try to kill me and fail so my humanity goes down more. The current system is broken and unrealistic, and I believe that is why it is being removed. I am glad its being changed and people like you no longer get to magically know the intentions of others just by looking at them. This is a PVP zombie mod with incredible amounts of tension between players, this is one of the things that makes the mod so great.
  21. I also can not place tents.
  22. Dave Caffeine

    [FIXED?] Too many zombies DISCUSSION

    I didn't have a problem with the amount of zombies in 1.5.7, what bothered me and still continues to is the endless respawning of zombies in cities. It isn't possible to actually clear a city, after 10 mins and 70ish dead zombies they were still running up on me.