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Posts posted by KombatJester

  1. No they are not they are taking some elements of the new and old and sort of making the engine fit dayz or something along the lines of that. It wont be arma 2 or 3 but it will be 2.5

    ...and because he is working with the team/devs that created the engine/game I am pretty confident that the quality will be better than what already exists.

  2. Seeing as how this will be using an arma engine i doubt my questions is a good one but...

    Will there be any compatibility for Mac? I have a windows partition on my mac (mainly for DayZ) so this is mainly a question of convenience but I would really like some mac compatibility (eventually) and it would also add a whole new community to your game. Mac "gamers" JUMP all over decent games that run on Mac and DayZ would be a feeding frenzy. Just food for thought while you are still in development.

    P.S: Don't rage and troll about Macs, they work just fine except for being unable to run .exe files on their own.

  3. I knew a new version was coming and contented myself with TF2 and watching DayZ LP's. No way in hell was I going to spend $30 when I knew that Arma 3 was coming out later this year. lol

    Edit: Also, he is going "minecraft" on it and purchasing while it is in Alpha means reduced pricing so it'll probably be like $10 or something.

  4. Yea it could work but after a certain distance those name should disapear regardless because you wouldn't recognize someone after a certain distance. Maybe in order to "rerecognize them" you have to look at them for a second or so at a certain distance. Facial recognition has been talked about within the forums so in a way, you're character can recall players they know or have seen around.

    This whole friendly thing can be easily helped in a realistic way by allowing customizable clothes. You'd recognize the clothes and overall look you're friends' characters.

    Here you go sir, have all of my beans. That is exactly what I was aiming for with the certain distance thing.

  5. agreed players should be able to send buddy invitations to players if accepted people cannot be killed if shot at by a buddy you have my last tin of beans sir

    I do not like the idea of no friendly fire. Just that your teammates names would pop up as opposed to other people who weren't teammates (their names would stay hidden)

  6. I had three ideas that were pretty unrelated except that these two can kind of go together.

    I suggest that there be areas that are essentially "no kill". PvP (giving/ receiving damage) will be off when you are in a certain radius of these areas and the town will be somewhat fortified with npcs that target zombies so they cannot get into the outpost. These will be small areas and pretty rare (mostly along the coast) that allow for players to trade. Upon exiting the town you are given "x" minutes of no pvp (Can't take or do damage to players). This is to prevent bandits from camping towns and waiting for people to leave.Following the first comment, this has been suggested a lot apparently. Sorry for that, I looked in the first 3-4 pages and didn't see it so thought I would put a balanced method out there.

    Now hear me out. Person "a" has 6 Lee Enfield mags and person "b" has 12 cans of coke (he's not a pepsi fan). Well, person "a" needs something to drink before he dies and person "b" needs more ammo before he can go back out. Solution? Trading. Somehow make a GUI that allows person "a" to give person "b" 2 magazines in exchange for 3 cans of coke.

    I feel that these don't break the realism/ experience of the game too much and should actually add a unique part to the game. Safer trading that you don't have to drop trade or dig around in each other's packs for.

    Comments / Suggestions to alter?

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  7. I know there is a similar topic but I have different views and wanted to make them known. I feel that the standard on servers should be no names/ranges until you are in a "party" or if you are "buddies". Much like how Hardcore Call Of Duty manages players on the same team, "friendlies" should appear in green text and random guys' names don't show up at all. I mean, in real life you would be able to recognize people who are your teammates. Too many times teammates end up accidentally killing each other because they don't know who is who and some shoot first, ask later.

    Buddy system should not affect humanity except in the idea of reduced gain for healing them.

    Party system should affect humanity the same as the buddy system except that lost humanity is split amongst the group members currently online.

    No teleporting, no extra weapons. Plain and simple in my opinion.

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