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About ovlla

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I must say this. but just make so it just takes more time to get over wired fences. like people trying to go over it carefully just so they wont cut themselves. what i am saying don't take stuff out of the game. add more ways to cope with it.
  2. i found a answer since the people in the forums seems to be as oblivious as me. Guess that cant be helped. I joined DE 287 and it had some sort of reset. that it didnt allow you do be any other place that in the map.
  3. worst part is. i cant even reset my character becouse it is serial based. and thats what i need to reset
  4. Nope. tried that for the last 2 weeks. not working
  5. I thought i would figure out why i cant enter the game but i haven't gotten any idea. first it takes allot of time to log in. never happened to me before and then this happens Stuck in the debug plains. Hunger does not go down, i dont get thirsty. and i can even respawn. but 3-5 sec later. i spawn back into the wilderness.