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Everything posted by Mentize

  1. There have been many Lan-Events such as PAX and GAMESCOM over the last month, most companies have put their efforts there for the sake of advertisement and competition. One of my friends told me DayZ have stated that it's unlikely to get a DayZ update till after sept 6th, cause thats when Rocket gets back from PAX.
  2. Mentize

    Can I run Day z this way?

    I guess its possible, just make sure run both Arma II and Arma II: OA before installing DayZ to the Arrowhead directory. Doesn't hurt to try? although if this is deciding whether you buy Arrowhead or not, I'd wait for somebody who's done this and succeeded/failed to reply.
  3. Mentize

    Trading AS50 TWS.

    Find a dead body, place the TWS on the body, hide the body. Be a good sport and help rid the game of these illegal weapons :thumbsup:
  4. Mentize

    How close will DayZ be to Arma3?

    Rocket recently said in an itnerview that he wants the player to shape the world they are in, from character personalization, to a form of talent-specialization, to underground building for clans. he HOPES these features can be included, he doesnt like to say 'Ok guys, this this and this are going to happen' because the engine isn't even 100% ready to go yet. Interview I watched
  5. Mentize

    Are helicopters in the game again?

    They are fully back and usable, I've seen many rotary engines and broken-down choppers myself the past week. Only 1 chopper per server though!
  6. Mentize

    how do I download dayZ from this website

    Maybe http://bit.ly/NNqnQE is more accustom to your liking?
  7. Mentize

    How close will DayZ be to Arma3?

    Subtle differences, nothing major like gun-balancing or landscaping, just extra features to aim the player towards a more survival-type experience, rather then a war simulation. Such as guild creation, character customization.
  8. Mentize

    how do I download dayZ from this website

    http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/How_to_install_DayZ Google is your friend (:
  9. Mentize

    Waaay to much rain in DayZ

    Try living in England, rain becomes an everyday occurrence.
  10. Mentize

    Makeshift Suppressors.

    or more stressful depending on how the customization works, making a bottle do multiple things in a game requires more 'what if' coding, so they may just make a silencer go onto any weapon, but make the silencer rare. Even the devs don't know how far in-depth they can go yet cause the arma III engine is still being built.
  11. Mentize

    Buying a good computer?

    If you want to PM me i'll help you look around for parts or a pre-built computer if you don't want to build it. Have recently built my own computer for around £1100 / $1750, have a decent knowledge of current-generation parts. [Edit] For my £1100ish budget i built the following pc, and im running DayZ with no lag maxed out on every setting (haven't checked FPS yet) NZXT Phantom 410 Enthusiast Case Intel i5 3570k @ 4.40GHz offset (Max temp 76celius under 100% load) 8GB RAM @ 2133Mhz 11-11-11-30 Corsair H60 CPU Heatsink MSI Radeon HD 7850 @ 1000Mhz Core Asus z77 Sabertooth Motherboard 60GB OCZ 3 Agility -Boot Drive 230GB HDD -Storage Drive 750W Corsair AX series PSU
  12. Mentize


    of items? depends if you trust the guy not to just kill you, take what you offered, and leave...
  13. Mentize

    2 questions

    Why would you drive out of the map? Stop hiding stuff! Not unless you scroll wheel and eject, or the server restarts, vehicles don't just disappear unless a hacker takes them.
  14. Mentize

    Where to find Helicopter?

    http://dayzdb.com/map -set vehicles to helicopter only
  15. Mentize

    Makeshift Suppressors.

    Its crafting, Rocket already said in an interview that he would like to implement all kinds of crafting, from character customization to underground building -it can't be done in the current engine, but he wants players to form the world they are in, so we will hopefully get a form of gun customization!
  16. Mentize

    So military camps?

    Barracks spawn the some of the high-end weapons, they are the only "High-value-Military" spawns on the map, so yes Barracks are better Military Tents.
  17. Hackers will lie, cheat, and steal to keep people from knowing, cause of how close you are too them all you've got to do is turn fraps on and you have evidence on them.
  18. try connecting to an older DayZ version, that would put you back at the coast, no idea if it would keep your gear
  19. If thats close to electro ill kill you, cant find the dam on the dayzdb map :L
  20. I think kills are suppose to reset upon death, humanity i don't even attempt to understand-i just know being near 0 or 5000 is a bad place to be cause of the model-change bug.
  21. Mentize

    List of hacked equipment

    Compare the list of weapons in Arma II, to the list of DayZ weapons.Anything that isn't on the DayZ wiki is hacked. Arma II Weapons: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Weapons DayZ Weapons: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons
  22. Mentize

    Empty World - Please help me! :(

    I spawn on the debug plains on a couple servers, but there are plenty of servers where im totally fine -have you tried servers that aren't in your region? (Connecting to a US server if your in the EU) ^ Taken from http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Known_Bugs
  23. Saved tents disappear on current patch, The vehicles inventory would of re-set, but if he saved it then it should be where you left it (unless taken) Ghillie suits, Camo clothing, and any other clothing that may be introduced are removed upon death, and cannot be taken from bodies wearing them. (They need to be the item-form, you can't undress bodies :l )
  24. Being online during a server reset shouldn't do anything except re-fresh loot spawns. However on the current patch ( there is a bug where tents disappear and vehicle inventories are set to default (Empty) -if you did not physically save the car using the scroll-wheel then the vehicle would of re-set as well. Server reset should not affect your character, its not uncommon for hackers to nuke an entire server just before server reset.