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Everything posted by Toastedzen

  1. Toastedzen

    DayZ Novel Campaign Final 5 Days

    Awesome. No need for any copyright licensing there. Should work out just fine.
  2. Toastedzen

    American Looking for Group

    Join here, just added new servers, private hive, bugs are addressed same day, a lot of the best people in one place :P
  3. Toastedzen

    ineed a partner/group.

    Try here, we are always playing with new people looking for a decent group B)
  4. Toastedzen

    Private Servers

    Best private hive you are going to find is right here :D
  5. Toastedzen

    American Looking For Group!

    Try this group - best on the webernet ;)
  6. Toastedzen

    A good way to hide a vehicle better

    Find three or four conifer trees close to each other. Problem solved.
  7. This depends on the server. Some private servers run a script which creates an invisible barrier that destroys you and your vehicle if you leave the map. Others run a script that cleans all the vehicles from outside the map at server restart.
  8. Toastedzen

    How to Change the map/mod the server

    You should join up with the other server hosts in their community. They all help each other out and discuss issues. At the very least you will need some knowledge of the Arma engine and scripting as I understand it.
  9. Toastedzen

    3000+ Meters off the coast.

    This happened to me too. And people were swimming in the air, floating above my head as well. We just kept swimming toward land and after a few minutes the hackers teleported us to the shore and I combat logged. Everyone else was shot down I learned later. :P (actually I rarely ever play public anymore. private hive for the win - http://www.dayzgamin...odule/m/5756190)
  10. I am just taking a wild shot in the dark here, but you might want to send this to the host of the server you were on or to an admin of that server at least. And if you haven't already, log out and log in on a different server and see what happens.
  11. Toastedzen

    Helicopters and Ejecting

    You hit the rotor blades. Try having the pilot auto hover and climb at the same time. I have not heard of a pilot ejecting and living.
  12. Toastedzen

    Is Rocket actually Bear Grylls?

    You only have one beans, I have two. There is the point.
  13. Toastedzen

    Invisible wall at edge of map?

    Likely it was set up that way by the server host. Here is a hint: Don't leave the map. On our Private hive someone was saving a heli off the map in debug forest. Guess what happened? No more heli, no more camp.
  14. Toastedzen

    Getting Sick

    Okay look, I am not sure if this is just a private hive thing, but this constant rain storm all night long is starting to piss me off. I realize that this server host is trying to make people play during the day, or whatever, but there seems to be a glitch with getting sick. Now, correct me if I am wrong, sometimes I miss patch notes or I am away from the (stupid) game long enough to miss trending news, but your temperature goes down from rain, swimming, night time, etc. and the temp icon starts changing color as well as eventually blinking like the food and drink icons when it is time to crap your pants and wish that you had a fire/heatpack/antibiotics on hand. But what has been happening lately is the temp icon is not changing (no, Debug is turned off) and not even flashing and such as today, even after a heatpack applied just-in-case not five minutes later my avatar is coughing. Why? Why does this seem so random? Is this happening to anyone else? Super annoying. <_<
  15. I began reading your post to see what point you made but then I was sidetracked by your avatar photo.
  16. Probably because people are tired of "admins" scripting in gear, re-starting the server just because, and teleporting people around.
  17. Toastedzen

    Confession: I'm a hacker.

    Beans for the Ghost in the Shell avatar.
  18. Toastedzen

    Is Rocket actually Bear Grylls?

    Don't want to comment on Rocket <_< but Bear Gryllis is one of the biggest fakes in television history. I am glad that BBC let him go. A friend of mine in NZ actually watched his television crew march not five minutes around the corner of a hill from a town in NZ, set up the camera pointing away from the civilized buildings, and then proceed to shoot an entire episode where he was "on the verge of death, thousands of miles from the nearest help." Not only that but apparently he made some kind of silly contraption to try and catch fish which ridiculously didn't even work and especially when the local children catch fish in the same stream with their bare hands literally year round.
  19. Toastedzen

    Hitman for hire.

    Some people were not hugged enough as children.
  20. Toastedzen

    Hitman for hire.

    Find the guy who goes by Rocket or Rocket2Guns. ;)
  21. You sir may have my beans. You are like one of the few people I have seen who actually agree with this concept. Hacking is a completely different level, especially when server hosts and admins are scripting as well.
  22. Actually, from the point of view of someone reading this story, I wouldn't say it was pointless. It's like this guy raised the bar on hacking lol it is just... ridiculous.
  23. Toastedzen

    Bandit Looking to Reform His ways

    The post apocalyptic world is lonely when you are the last one left, hmm?