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Everything posted by Toastedzen

  1. Toastedzen

    Some men just want to watch the world burn

    (oops! double post!)
  2. Toastedzen

    Flying Boat

    Those beans might have been past their expiration date, or those were some good drugs, man! :lol:
  3. Toastedzen

    Whitelisted hive for Namalsk

    DayZ Gaming is supposed to be working on one. Check out their site at this link.
  4. I was going to start my own hive until I realized what a pain you all have to deal with; and I am not quite in a life situation to start up my own farm in my house...
  5. Toastedzen

    Any Irish groups/players?

    American myself, but I have been wondering this same thing. Had some excellent times drinking with you guys when I was working in Germany and just generally acting the fool. Never seem to encounter any online though :huh:
  6. Toastedzen

    DayZ is a crap

    Whoa, whoa, whoa! I am as much as a troll as most, but let's keep in mind that this mod is a global phenomenon and there are a lot of English-as-a-second language types out there. It is true that to be effective with foreigners the first thing you need to learn is how to be an asshat in their local lingo (I have proudly spread American asshatery in many foreign lands), but if you are going to counter-troll let's keep the underprivileged and disabled out of it. I mean, that is only decent. (unless they park crooked in the handicap parking cutting off the next space over. Then key the f**k out of that s**t.)
  7. Toastedzen

    Doing um dirty....oh so dirty

    Fun video. I like the chatter.
  8. Toastedzen

    M14 AIM vs M4A3 CCO?

    A few people I know have been switching to the M14 and I am leaning that way as well.
  9. Toastedzen

    Need some friendly's to run around with

    Check out these guys at DayZ Gaming. We love finding gear and killing zombies :D
  10. Find yourself a clan to start with; that is the easiest way. As Viles suggested. Another Australian group I like is Oceanian though the timezone prohibits a lot of group play. If you are looking to engage with more DayZ and Arma 2 OA and shorten the learning curve, check out these guys at DayZ Gaming. PM a few of the good people there; someone is usually online. They are just about to do some really cool, new work on the servers.
  11. Toastedzen

    Vilayer hiwe wipe?

    Wait, again? What is the deal with this corporate-untouchable-monopoly they have on hive hosting? What's next, they start dumping toxic wastes into our lakes and rivers and tell us it's no big deal?
  12. Toastedzen

    [US][Role Play Group]

    I love role play. Of course, for legal reasons, I would need to ask that everyone in the group is at least 18. <_< Don't want to get in trouble for THAT again....
  13. Toastedzen

    Buildings spawning Randomly

    Yes. Find a different server.
  14. Not trying to hate, but isn't this the entire reason for forums... of any type? (gleaned from my years of experiance reading forums)
  15. Toastedzen

    Mature player looking for serious group

    Try DayZ Gaming though the core group has been playing a little ARMA 2 lately to brush up on our team play.
  16. Toastedzen

    No IronSights, No Shooting Glitch

    Double tap cntrl. It happens to me sometimes, particularly after using range finders or something else other than main weapon.
  17. Toastedzen

    Hosting Rules for Standalone?

    You have the wrong idea. You can "rent" server space but you can also have your own server farm and host a server which you "own" if you want. I don't know many people with the servers in their house who do this outside of a couple of clans. I might set up one myself. But if you want to "own" the hardware then you can "own" the server. No rules state that you cannot host a server this way.
  18. Toastedzen

    40 min into my first ever game of dayz

    I miss this experiance. I am one of the few (who I know personally?) who still loves the core game despite everything else. I would play with you ANYDAY. Look me up sometime. I might create my own server farm in a few months. If it was Vilayer server, they wiped everyone's everything the other day. Unfortuante, I know. Happened to all my characters on that hive.
  19. Toastedzen

    noob question

  20. Toastedzen

    Put up my first tent yesterday!

    This thread has made me overwhelmingly happy today.
  21. Toastedzen

    No more copying to your OA folder

    Beans for sig ;)
  22. Toastedzen

    How do you do the surrender animation?

    But hey, at least we'd get a laugh out of it before we shot.