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Posts posted by machomanugget

  1. Yeah i understand what you are saying, i'm just saying this is very unlike Vilayer they are normally allways contactable, Lee seems to work 24/7 most days, the answer tickets fast, john is allways on here..

    Sometimes things do happen and cant be avoided.. I'm sure its just a blip and everything will be sorted at the earliest possible time..

    PS Also i got your message on TS as well sry didnt see it till i logged off, i wasnt ignoring you!

  2. Hey man your not alone...

    As i and others have said.. there has been massive interest and along with Lee who does everything foe vilayer and johnny being away for 4th july shizzle... there may be a longer than expected wait for assistance...

    You wont be dissapointed and it will get sorted... just needs a bit of time.. and yes i understand your frustration... unfortuantely these things happen!

  3. Yeah as i said not having a go.. just wanted to let you know that it will be dealt with and you will get sorted... i'm just letting you know they have been extremely busy and i for one am glad that they did what they did.. otherwise half the people that have servers would of all had them removed...

    obviously this has caused a back log of tickets and support issues.. and as for last night they all went down, mine to only just got it back up and online again... this you have to live with as it is in Alpha stage and i know they do what they can to keep them up 24/7..

    hopefully yours will be swiftly dealt with.

  4. Vinny you need to chill mate, moaning about it on here when you have not even had your server 24 hours is not really fair at all, sure your frustrated but come on seriously!?...

    Vilayer are one of the best hosters there is, trust me i have had 3 and these guys far outweigh anything else there is available...

    As im sure you are aware there has been problems over the past few days not only with DayZ but also Lee has had his own issues... trust me you will not find a harder working guy anywhere and he will sort it out for you, johnny will also be on the case im sure as he always is..

    i do know the other day they were overwhelmed with tickets and support requests after the name changing episode and vilayer changing all the servers over to the correct settings so that they were not REMOVED by dayz... no other company would of ever undertaken all that work on behalf of there customers EVER.

    i'm not making excuses but sometimes things do take a bit longer to sort out.. you will be sorted and you will be as happy as a pig in shit..


  5. hello, i had the same problem i was lucky enough to get help from Dwarden that fixed it.. i had to re-install everything though first and then did these steps..

    exit STEAM

    start STEAM via "run as administrator"

    run once ARMA 2, exit it

    run once OA, exit it

    now goto OA folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\STEAM\STTEAMapps\Common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead\PMC\

    erase that folder (or it's content)

    then run PMC from the STEAM's games list

    you should see installer doing some file operations

    if you have BAF, do the same with \BAF\

    and that's it, should work fine

    the only issue is when there are some keys not written

    hence why i always recommend use the context menu option "run as administrator" to start STEAM

    good luck

  6. Well there is a part in that page about that,

    "It is possible but not recommended to use the free version (not the demo) of ARMA2 and combine it with ARMA2: Operation Arrowhead to create ARMA2: Combined Operations Lite and use it to play DayZ.

    Here is a guide how to install DayZ with arma2:free and OA: Kodabar's Guide

    If everything is installed correctly you should see "ArmA 2 Free" (or "ArmA 2 Demo"), "ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead" and "@dayz" on the right side of the menu screen."

    EDIT : bottlerocket is correct there have been issues, my server is up and running ok though

  7. Servers now have to have a certain name format.. not doing this will result in your server being removed..

    Talk to the guys at Vilayer.. i have my server from them... they are very good and extremely helpfull, especially if you have little knowledge of what to do..

  8. Hey Macho' date='

    We were approached by Ander, Shawn and a few others to follow the naming convention as well as other things since we were the only host that had been monitoring clients as per DayZ rules. The devs have done away with EU names.

    As it was said to us "We will be blacklisting servers that do not follow the guidelines set down". So we at Vilayer made it so that clients were unable to get blacklisted for naming reasons. Other clients also managed to turn off Battleye and so we also forced that. Unfortunately, just because things are on the server list does not mean they are blacklisted.

    I apologize for any inconvience this may have caused, but we did this to protect servers from being blacklisted.




    righto Johnny thanks for the info, i just wondered how it had come about, mine wasnt far off anyway but thanks for the heads up and sorting it... not an inconvienience at all just wanted to know what was up, i can see dante has added as well that there going to be removed... cheers

  9. I cant believe how rude you people are... seriously give the guy a break

    you have a stable patch you can actually play on...

    yeah other things need sorting but after the problems they had having to patch up after the last big update i bet they all dont need all that stress again...

    TLBig GrinR wankers stop moaning shut up and give the team a break..

    have a nice day

    blah blah blah

    Someone else want post wall of stupid text once again?

    >MaChOMaN UK SurViVaL

    ha-ha you are DuMbAsS' date=' man


    You Sir are a "bellend" of the highest order and show us all exactly what is wrong with the people that post on here, please take this opportunity to go forth and do something with your life instead of acting like said "bellend" mentioned earlier.

    have a nice day

  10. I cant believe how rude you people are... seriously give the guy a break

    you have a stable patch you can actually play on...

    yeah other things need sorting but after the problems they had having to patch up after the last big update i bet they all dont need all that stress again...

    TL : DR wankers stop moaning shut up and give the team a break..

    have a nice day

  11. Hi, i was just going to ask if it was ok to lock my server and go round and do this myself..

    i'm sick of going into a town and all the entrances are blocked off, all the best loot drop places blocked off so the server hoppers can just jump round filling up there bags...

    i wont bother now as you mentioned it has come back... something needs to be done its getting very silly.. thanks you saved me a 5 hour job..

    Please let me know how you get on danile cheers

  12. 7 towns yesterday looking for matches..

    didnt find any at all anywhere... then died and lost all my gear due to a magical broken leg walking into a building. :)

    Give lighters! or atleast more never ending matchboxes.. 200 blood from a can of food just dont cut it... plus the fact a blood transfusion is a no no, due ot the games recent updates and the fact everyone is a wanker and shoots on sight.

  13. best advice to you is

    1, stop bashing server admins... you dont know this is the case you just assume most of it..

    2, buy your own server for you and your clan mates

    3 then see how you like it when people come on here bashing you with the same as above.

    have a nice day

  14. RE: The new admin panel


    MOTD Settings

    1. not enough lines for what i need only 4 available

    2. no setting within this to change the delay between messages

    3. also seems the length of message is limited

    if this has been changed to stop bad server cfg's crashing etc how come underneath there is Host Settings - DO NOT EDIT INLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! why are they even there and you can change the settings on them?

    seems a bit wierd? can you add these options mentioned above or atleast give the option to have the old cfg back?

    also changeservertime.bat, error on opening? and i thought this was set via the server time? so more than one server will also get changed?

    Also have these new settings been forced by dayZ themselves or are they just Vilayer's new settings.. i did read your email you sent yesterday johnny and i thought it was just noted to make sure people were not doing some of the stuff in the email? (they must have otherwise we all wouldnt of recieved it) kicking banning turning BE off etc?

    many thanks

  15. fucking hackers...

    lowest of the low... scumbag fucks and fuck the kiddies that tag along with there add-ons and cheat bullshit scripts getting caught by BE.. i just wish there was the constant updating and wielding of the ban hammer every week.. i know they cant as to catch the fuckers..

    rocket knows his shit, if this was my mod and people were trying to ruin it with there emo basement antics i would go fucking mental... more to the point i would gather an army worldwide and go hunt the fuckers down and break there legs.. and smash there pc's to fucking pieces just for good measure!

    lets hope they get back on top of it... hard task i know lets also hope arma3 brings with it the ultimate anti cheat protection.. or maybe like every game there is ever they allways cheat on it anyway, swings and roundabouts... and the ban hammer, new keys etc etc

    and the cycle continues!

    have a nice day
