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Everything posted by machomanugget

  1. machomanugget

    Day Z 'Item cards' round 2. The list grows.

    haha these are fantastic, great job
  2. machomanugget

    BattleEye is shit. Bring on Punkbuster/Admin bans

    To be fair there all easily exploitable whatever anti-cheat you have in place... And to be honest you should thankfull the guys working at battleye BIS and Dayz do what they do.. nevermind coming on here Bashing there software, they do work hard with keeping up tracking whats being used and done to cheat then swinging the ban hammer and sorting alot of accounts at once, as it should be, no they probably wont ever win but its trying to keep up they work at.. Also with such a popular mod / game there will allways be many more emo 12 year old fucktards wanting to ruin everyones fun Why dont you go and code your own full proof online game software anti-cheat, Mr 2guns and a few others i'm sure will welcome you with open arms.. plus you will become legends of the DayZ community, i cant wait to see your work epic!
  3. machomanugget

    Pending Update: Build

    the new arma patch apparently, not the DayZ files... Super nerf! hopefully rifles get the same treatment soon :)
  4. machomanugget

    Pending Update: Build

    pistols hae been uber nerfed.. 1911 and the revolver is 10 times worse now than it was..
  5. machomanugget

    Pending Update: Build

    you shouldnt have the choice to spawn where you want ever, If you want to meet up with someone travel from where you spawn to them
  6. machomanugget

    Pending Update: Build

    any news on the patch? cheers
  7. machomanugget

    GameSpy Dayz News - Standalone before xmas fail?

    yeah but arma3 wont be out my christmas? whats the point of a standalone now i dont get it? i thought the idea was to get it into that.. maybe a dlc..
  8. machomanugget

    " Arma 2 Reinforcements Has Stopped Working "

    Since the last update of six launcher i cannot play anything else any mods via the launcher as it doe the exact same thing to me everytime i launch a mod... i think it maybe more six launchers problem as it has never done it before...
  9. machomanugget

    UK11 Official Server Thread

    Hey Miggy, The server has been up and running for around 3 months, vehicles have been respawning as we have seen new ones on the server... We have quite a few regular players and you can allways find teammates via our facebook page and teamspeak 3 server.. Cheers
  10. enough fucking morons on the forums as it is without fueling the fire.
  11. machomanugget

    Arma 2 Vanilla Crashes After DayZ install

    Hello, i used to use six launcher to play the other mods but now after it updated it just crashes renforcements everytime i try t use it.. maybe that update fucked everything up.... seems so
  12. machomanugget

    Third person vs First person view

    you are trying to ruin my game experience NO
  13. machomanugget

    There are so many locked/passworded servers!

    so basically do what the fuck you want with the server that you pay for... nice one!
  14. machomanugget

    New server need held (vilayer.com

    contact Vilayer...
  15. you hit the fucking nail on the head there mate,
  16. machomanugget

    All right to kick AFK:ers?

    5 minutes = kick
  17. haha yeh brilliant idea... no servers = no game
  18. machomanugget

    As an admin, can I ban if...

    also if the Devs where that bothered about it and wanted to do something about it they would of by now. server admins should ban people for it..
  19. machomanugget

    Vilayer Hosting Issues

    Server has been fine since day one never had any issues... also given the chance to run the latest files as soon as there up.. i heard the main problem is all these people that dont have a clue what to do breaking there servers causing massive backlog in tickets and help.. idea stop messing with it? lol As for you cortax go to another company see how fast it gets set up there then moan... jesus christ 5 hours and you moaning already just after one day? good luck getting a refund for that lol.
  20. machomanugget

    I miss being able to play

    QQ thread ALERT ($30 mentioned) learn how to do things manually, takes 5 minutes its not hard... http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ the mod owes you nothing
  21. rofl and you are... hahaha goto irc channel like told for more info..
  22. machomanugget

    When are choppers being patched back in

    yeah my friend was telling me this today as well i couldnt believe it till he showed me..
  23. machomanugget

    Stable version

    Hey guys, After searching for answers and chatting in the IRC channel, just wanted to ask here, see iff anyone can help.. At the minute i have my server running 93965 A2 beta... everything works as it should with this patch.. After hearing all the stoires of lost gear and or spawn problems / loading issues i decided to leave it on that as i heard more hotfixing and another patch will be released soon to get it sorted..(cant find anything on when this is coming) I have the option now to update the server to; DayZ v1.7.2 & ArmaOA94444 or DayZ v1.7.2 & ArmaOA94444 Contingency (hotfix/patch) Can anyone give me any idea if its worth updateing to either of these or just wait now till the patch is released and the latest arma2 beta patched in( 94700).. i thought this would be out by now? i went to the beta irc channel but got told nobody had spoke in there for 12 hours and there was no news on the update being released? cheers
  24. machomanugget

    A List of Passworded Servers

    also what happened to all the threats of removing / blacklisting servers for not having the correct names and settings including passworded servers?
  25. machomanugget

    Stable version

    ok cheers so that one is stable then? i'll maybe drop it on the server tonight as it seems is not coming.. cheers man