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Everything posted by machomanugget

  1. machomanugget

    UK11 Official Server Thread

    Thanks for that Adam... heard about him already.. sorry he ruined your gameplay on my server.. appologies to you and your friend... and yes i have seen you guys on there alot... i will sort it out thanks again for bringing it to my attention..
  2. machomanugget

    Green Mt.

    I went there once, some wierd shit.. never came back... not been there since and dont think i will go again either!
  3. machomanugget

    Global Bans for legit players?

    yay go battleye!
  4. machomanugget

    Recorded a hacker / Raining buses/cows

    seems to be ALOT of this happening at the minute, /sigh
  5. Awesome, Thanks for the great work... and thanks for giving me the best server and tools for my DayZ server month on month!
  6. machomanugget

    UK11 Official Server Thread

    Hello, Hmm thats wierd, i saw you on there last night.. im not sure why you are being kicked.. have you tried another server?
  7. machomanugget

    A good server?

    If it wasnt for your so called "shitty admins" you wouldnt have a fucking server to play on.. Spend your own money and buy your own server there are loads of companies you can use.. Check the adverts in the server section... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/16-server-general/
  8. Seriously if this is the case the mod and the whole arma series is fucked... I'm sure if it is the case there will be alot of people working to close it so you cant do such things..
  9. machomanugget

    Vehicle Saving

    basically anything that supposed to save does not save.
  10. Done as requested... Beans for you!
  11. Hey guys was reading the gamespy site for the first time in about 10 years.. came accross this and news from Mr 2Guns "apparently" sounds alot different to what we have been hearing before, also what about arma3? wierd stuff none the less... Headline of the item is Arma 2 Mod DayZ on "Borrowed Time" Could Become Paid Standalone Game By Christmas read more here including designer Dean Hall, who says he won't be able to dedicate the time and effort needed to accommodate DayZ's nearly 1-million strong and growing community for much longer Hall said that, with financial backing, he could add the required elements and make the DayZ transition in a few months and "certainly before Christmas http://uk.pc.gamespy.../1225522p1.html Thoughts? fears ? worrys? arma3? Cheers,.
  12. machomanugget

    Weirdest shit ever...

    i dont think the video is appropriate.. to be honest..
  13. I gave up counting after 140 - got bored so maybe there was a pandemic... maybe its also against the rules full stop. haha dont make me laugh that excuse its getting as boring as your replys ... dont give me the "oh i need to password it to test it" bullshit either... takes 2 minutes to see if its working after sorting the files and no you dont need to keep it passworded for 45 minutes to 2 hours plus after either with 5 of you clan mates farming happily away .. you sir are blatantly one of the people that does it...
  14. Agreed ZdB, this really is getting stupid.. last night after patch over 140 servers all passworded with 1 - 5 players on there.. Do your bit! admin your server responsibly! Devs do something about this bullshit please..
  15. thats nothing last night after the patch, i looked at the server list and there was 140 (got bored counting after that) servers passworded all with 1 -5 players on them getting ready for the choppers... i hope the devs are actually going to do something about this.. it takes the fucking piss especially when server admins who do stick to the rules get fuck all thanks...
  16. Hi, Yes thats correct you have the latest versions of both.. the only problem you will have is that you may have done it wrong when you were trying to do it yourself. Th best bet is contact the guys at Vilayer to check it as it may not work and need re-installing there end..
  17. Hello. Firstly you only need to run 1 update.. and install Login to your control panel Stop the server from ACP Click on updates - look for what you have installed and whats new and available Run the install for the latest version - this will then extract and install new dayz files and a new arma2 beta Goto file settings - configuration files - click on cfgdayz\server.cfg Text editor to show name etc change these settings to the updated numbers .. Enforce Beta Version (new numbers here) DayZ Version (new version numbers here) Arma2 Version (new numbers for patch here) these number above need to be EXactly the same as what you just installed, otherwise people wont connect Click save at the top - it will say saved when finished Go back to Game services - click Start Server will restart with new name - updated files - updated beta yes its that simple.. As you have stated you have tried to run them all.. you can only use 1 update.. you may have screwed your server.. if it does not start (errors) or you cant connect.. my best advice is goto ts3.vilayer.com and ask for it to be checked by a member of staff hope this helps.. any questions hit me up! cheers
  18. machomanugget

    UK11 Official Server Thread

    Hey, Server Has Been updated to DayZ version Arma2 Beta 95389 Enjoy!
  19. machomanugget

    Can enable Global/Side chat for all players?

    As soon as its available for my server it will be going back on ASAP An RPG Multiplayer game with no ability to talk to other players on the server? that i do not get at all... When they removed it they should of atleast put something else in to give the players a way of communicating... radios etc I do know as a matter of fact some people i introduced to the mod gave up and stopped due to this.. 2 two penneth..
  20. machomanugget

    Pending Update: Build

    Is there any news on the closed test before release? Is it going well, everything mentioned working as intended? Cheers
  21. machomanugget

    Gaz (grey) - Stolen car - UK11

    Hey nice find and a nice drive! Not sure who's car it is.. i'll link this on the UK 11 facebook page and see if anyone is missing a car lol... http://www.facebook.com/MaChoMaNsDayzServer
  22. machomanugget

    Pending Update: Build

    Ahahahahahah seriously man you fucking killed me with that... hahahaha
  23. machomanugget

    where can i get a UK server from pls ?

    Hey the minimum now is 40 slots.. less for 3rd world countrys like australia (jokes) i got my server here http://www.vilayer.com/cl/aff.php?aff=045 had it 4 months not 1 problem and allways gets updates same day as there released normally.. good luck in your search..