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About TheDeed

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TheDeed

    This Is DayZ... (funny)

    I cant say anything good about this video. If you're going to do more of them i suggest making them funny instead of using all your SFX and use better music.
  2. Right now i´m delivering a load of weapons to some friends, but here it is! Offtopic: I was down at Balota airstrip for the first time because my server was empty, searching for a M4A1 and maybe some better clothes to my friends. Server got restarted, and i jumped over to a fresh one. The first sight i saw was 5-6 dudes running around unloading their colts into everyone and everything. Safe to say i´m happy i spawned a bit outside this and ran the fuck away. Never Balota again.
  3. TheDeed

    DayZ SA Event: The Elektro Peace Walk

    I´ll be there if i can, when will server/time come up?
  4. TheDeed

    Anyone have some answers?

    Would be very handy in the future!
  5. TheDeed

    Axe Murderin'

    Brings tears into my eyes others have the same fetish.
  6. Me and my friends were down looting in Solnichy and met a fishy dude with no pants running up the roof of a factory. He told us to come up with him (yerrr) to try something out. Using my superpower called "logic" i didn´t, and head around the building while suddenly he came flying down with not a scratch on him. "They have turned off he damage, come join me!" My common sense tingled like mad and i told him to do it again, and while he was climbing up again we head off to Berezino not wanting to get fucked over. 30 minutes later one of my friends sits rumming around in his backpack and WHODOYOUKNOW comes swinging wildy through the room! After knocking my friend unconscious i spray him with my colt and the butchering ends. But now i have a bleeding comrade sleeping on the floor, so i bandage him up and i stick a epinephrine in his bum. After around 5 minutes he still has the unconscious screen but can move around so he logs in and out and suddenly he is on the shoreline as a freshspawn, with his geared up character still lying down/sitting movements beside me. After 3-4 minutes the geared up one disappears and everyone is left with a big questionmark. TL:DR: Is falling damage bugged (i know to some extent, but really high buildings?) and how does unconscious work with epipen?
  7. TheDeed

    Respawn at the beach and gear loss

    Happened to me too, logged in today and was standing at the beach with no gear at all, hungry and thirsty with a guile suit. I DONT WANNA