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Everything posted by bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

  1. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    RCON dayz SA

    If you have been hosting DayZ servers for any length of time you would know that from day one of the mod being released server admins had very strict rules they had to follow if they wanted the server to have access to the public hive. If or when they release a public hive then you can make any rules you want but while you are connected to the public hive you have to follow the rules they put in place. They have blacklisted servers in the past and I am pretty sure they will do it again.
  2. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    Useless Items

    Shoes - Do they actually give any movement/ stamina benefits - Not yet, but different types give different benefits when it is implemented Combat helmet - Does it give any actual armor rating or protection ? - Yes, depending on the damage, we tested M4 on a pristine helmet and it stopped the bullet Gas Mask - Does it really do anything ? Not sure, I would say see the shoes answer Face Masks- Same question as combat helm Not sure, I would say see the shoes answer Hand tools- pliers , screw driver, hammer . have yet to be able to repair anything See the shoe answer Rain Jacket and other type clothing - Aside from storage space to they add weather protection ? Same as shoes, You will need warm clothes when it is cold etc. If you have no raincoat you will get wet and then sick. Bayonets- Can they be used in melee if so how ? not used one yet There is a lot of stuff that is in game but not finished yet, means some exciting times ahead.
  3. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    http://www.twitch.tv/thedirtyrat Streaming planty of Standalone!
  4. We would like to invite all players, no matter what your play style, to join us on our servers! Currently we have a DayZ Epidemic and DayZ Hunting Grounds server and we are preparing to launch a DayZ Epoch server very soon, we are just waiting for the Dev's to release the latest update because of the big changes coming! We will also be doing a custom DayZ server aswell once the Epoch server is up and running. We don't rent our servers, they are all run on our own dedicated server so there is no overloading which just causes to much server lag! We have a good group of active admins who are always willing to help players out when needed and I can guarantee there is no admin abuse at any time! Once we start getting more members we will also be starting to do some weekly community events, things like Battle Royale or ArmA 2/3 coop missions etc. For more info here is a list of links: Main website: http://www.outlawzgaming.com Server Info: http://www.outlawzgaming.com/dayz_servers.php Server Rules: http://www.outlawzgaming.com/dayz_rules.php Admin Info: http://www.outlawzgaming.com/dayz_admins.php We look forward to playing with you on our servers!
  5. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    OutlawZ Gaming - DayZ Epidemic, Hunting Grounds and Epoch

    Epidemic server has been updated with some big changes. More details can be found here: http://www.outlawzgaming.com/index.php/topic,30.msg95.html#msg95
  6. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    OutlawZ Gaming - DayZ Epidemic, Hunting Grounds and Epoch

    Shameless Bump!! Servers are running nice and smooth and we have begun work on adding new cities to the maps.
  7. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    OutlawZ Gaming - DayZ Epidemic, Hunting Grounds and Epoch

    Our Epoch server is now up and running! So far we have added: Remove ClothesTrading Cities safe zonesTrading cities backpack protection (nobody can access your backpack while in trading cities)We are in the proccess of working on custom bases and cities for the map and a completely custom mission system! Beyond that we won't be adding much more, we prefer to keep it as close to vanilla as possible but we will always be open to suggestions and will add things if we think it will benefit the community. Don't forget this is a completely new database so now would be a good time to join and get your base started!
  8. Sounds like they have installed BEC with the lobby idling feature activated but they have messed the timings up on it, possibly 5 seconds instead of minutes or something. You will need to contact the server admin or wait for them to fix it.
  9. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    tired of getting ripped off by anti hack sellers, please help

    I agree totally with OfficerRaymond that the best thing to combat hackers is checking the log files and updating the filters. Another good tool is http://www.opendayz.net/threads/pybescanner.131/ it scans log files and takes the action that you define.
  10. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    Damage Validation System

    You may be waiting a long time then, community mods won't be allowed for a very long time after the initial release, if they allow them at all.
  11. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    Probably a couple of weeks!
  12. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    I live in Sherwood, not far from Nottingham Centre
  13. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    I agree! I have space on my dedi box just waiting for this mod!
  14. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    Just noticed this mod, and more specifically the name of the mod! I noticed you are you using dayzaftermath.net I am the owner of dayzaftermath.com, I registered it last year for a project that was later abandoned. If you want the .com you can have it if you like, for free, or I will accept some beans but if you must twist my arm then a place on the closed beta! Just contact me and I will transfer, it is registered on Godaddy. P.S. the part about closed beta was a joke!
  15. Do you intend on having Breaking Point private hive options when they are released on the 7th?
  16. I would like to introduce RatPackGaming.com! We are a small community looking to expand our player base. Our Chernarus server has a few extra features like: Player built bases - you can build upto 20 buildings! 75+ Vehicles - I am currently looking at overhauling the spawn points to make them slightly better and more of them! Whitelisted - The server is fully whitelist controlled to decrease the chance of cheaters getting in. Active and fair admins - all our admins are friendly and fair, we will not cry if killed and will not abuse what little power we have! Dedicated Server - We don't rent our servers we have our own dedicated server to maintain top performance! Plus Much More! All players are welcome, clans, friendly's and bandits! Server Details: Ip: Port: 2302 Just search RatPackGaming Website; http://ratpackgaming....php?page=CNews Whitelist Application: http://ratpackgaming...hp?form=contact (at the moment this is not automated but it will not take long for me to add you!) I have also just started work on a custom mod so now would be a good time to join to get your ideals added to it!
  17. Shameless bump! But would also like to add that we will be adding a DayZ 2017 server sometime when I get home from work!
  18. I hour 45 minutes to go! Joking aside though I would recommend you switch. I have tried most of the other hosts and these guys are the best by far. Regarding the location switcher in the control panel, it is brilliant, it is an instant switch! You click submit, 5 seconds later you are in the new location!
  19. It isn't actually a bug. It was a change in the code, this: They changed the way the time is handled so now ersan is having to change some of the code to make it compatible. Be patient guys, ersan will sort it out! EDIT: I have just been poking around in the database and noticed the Message table, not sure if that was there before but haven't noticed it! Is it safe to enter some messages in there or are you adding an interface to the control panel to add them? I assume if we add them ourselves it shouldn't break anything later.
  20. No. As long as he isn't in the server it will work (He can be sat in the lobby though.)
  21. Try updating your rcon password in the control panel, I use DaRT and it works fine.
  22. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    Pay to play

    Nice constructive comment there Mr troll! If it is a private hive server you can do pretty much what you want! But if you expect people to pay to join the server then you need to make sure that you have a good set up.
  23. Is this on the DayZPlanet hive? Or do you have plans to join that hive?
  24. Hello Survivors! DayZAftermath is a new site looking to build a community of dedicated DayZ players. We currently have 2 servers one running Lingor Island and the other is running Panthera. Both servers are password protected (whitelist is coming soon) in an attempt to keep out scripters. All players are welcome on the servers, even bandits! our current server settings (for both servers) are: Difficulty: Veteran 3rd Person: On Crosshairs: On Side Chat: On Voice: On Name Plates: Off Death Messages: On Vehicles: 50 There is also a TeamSpeak server for players to use while they are on the server! If you want to join then just go to our website, join the forums and post an application. It will be reviewed as soon as you post! Our website is: http://www.dayzaftermath.com
  25. bill.swinscoe@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZAftermath Panthera and Lingor Island Private hive community.

    We have decided to remove the password for a while to open the servers up to the public. Once we have a strong community we will have a vote to see if the community wants the servers locked or not. I was a bit rushed when I posted the original post so I will post some more details now: Spawn gear: Both servers have been edited so that freshly spawned characters have the following kit: Hatchet Can of Beans Can of soda Painkillers 2 Bandages Map Compass Box of matches We feel that this kit allows people to have more of a fighting chance at the beginning of there current life. There is a topic open on our forums to discuss any changes to the spawn gear. We will make changes if we feel it will benefit the community. You can find the topic here Server Restarts To maintain optimal performance the servers are restarted every 6 hours. A warning will be given in chat 1 hour, 30 minutes and 1 minute before the server restarts. Panthera We do NOT use the Villayer version of Panthera. we use the version that can be found on Tunngle. this means that you will not be able to use DayZCommander to join the Panthera server. Deatails on how to join can be found here I will post more info here as I think of it!