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Everything posted by fluxley

  1. fluxley

    DayZ Commander Problems

    Hi joe, try some of the fixes from this thread http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/147967-dayz-commander-cant-update-mods/ Seems like the same issue.
  2. Well that was short and sweet, thanks for the tip. By the way, current experimental build is 0.50.125369 not 0.51
  3. Ah, ok, Have you reported it to the official bug tracker? http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php Thats probably the best way to get it looked into by the devs. Hopefully the new patch will make persistence a bit more reliable.
  4. Loot isn't meant to respawn on server restart on persistent servers, it just respawns gradually over time, restarts make no difference. Not saying there's not an issue, but it seems from your post that you aren't aware of how the new system works.
  5. Voted happy with progress, this is based on the knowledge of the progress going on in the back ground such as working on separating the renderer, reworking the A.I, Redoing the vehicle mechanics, Persistence. Thing is, if the game was released now and not last December they wouldn't of had the money to increase the scope of the game like this, and many of the features we are looking forward to now would either be delayed by an extra year or more, or simply not happen at all.
  6. Here's the only one i know of based off of the latest .50 experimental, Devs have said there will some new additions for stable and the server crashes should be fixed http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2k06xw/unofficialexperimental_changelog_050125257/
  7. fluxley

    Underground Features

    Sorry, not sure what your question is referring to, do you mean DX11? if so then no, that should just allow for improved lighting when indoors and underground. This should interest you though That shows actual underground structures in the VBS2 engine which is related to the ARMA engine, in that they are both based on the Real Virtuality engine. No idea if the two engines are comparable nowadays mind, as they branched off from each other back in 2002 i think. Apparently A.I have a real problem navigating near any underground structures though, at least in the arma engine, maybe the changes made to the dayz A.I fix that. So yeah, seems like it's possible, just we don't know how much work it would involve or what other issues it could bring up, But seeing as they are already ripping chunks out the engine and replacing them hopefully this will be something they consider.
  8. fluxley

    Underground Features

    This is the method they are currently using for the new military base in experimental. And as mentioned already was used in the mod for Namalsk, One issue that the devs have mentioned with this is that the engine doesn't detect that you are underground so it will be full daylight even if there's no light source, not a show stopper, but it kinda ruins the mood. Hopefully the move to DX11 will allow them to solve that one.
  9. fluxley

    Private Shard [Poll]

    By saying that Private shards are connected to the Public Hive/database you are suggesting that character data will transfer from a private server to any other server. It wont. Characters will only cross over on the Public servers, also known as the Public Hive.
  10. fluxley

    Private Shard [Poll]

    Public Hive generally refers to the single database that all Public servers are connected to, Private shards will not be connected to that database, they may be on the same machine, and ultimately controlled by Bohemia but saying that private shards are connected to the public hive is incorrect.
  11. fluxley

    Players start with a map

    I'm jelly, one thing i'm really looking forward to is new maps so i can go through the process of getting lost and learning to navigate all over again.
  12. fluxley

    Players start with a map

    Usually play with friends, but i'm quite happy to play lonewolf, generally keep a low profile, not hostile but not overly friendly either, i play to stay alive.
  13. fluxley

    Players start with a map

    Speak for yourself only please, i prefer to only use what i find in game and removing the need to finding useful items like a map and a rangefinder would just take away from my experience. edit When i first started playing i used a mix of ingame map and dayzdb map, now i only ever use the ingame map, and thats only really to keep track of the new areas added to the north. also, collecting the map pieces is just something extra to do while i i'm scavenging. I played the mod for close to 3000 hours and have 786 hours on the standalone.
  14. fluxley

    Random death on the stairs and floors

    Its a difficult bug to fix as i believe it relates to the players location not updating correctly due to low server performance, this is something they have been working on since the beginning and will take a long time to be resolved, as everytime they add new features server performance takes a hit, eventually they will start to concentrate more on optimisation but i don't expect things like this to be fixed until we are near to the game being finished. Until then maybe its best to just leave the game for a while and come back later if you can't handle it.
  15. fluxley

    Private Shard [Poll]

    I'll try On the Public hive all characters are connected to one database (well, two actually, 1st person only and 3rd person enabled servers). Though things like tents, vehicles and bases will only save on one server and not cross over. The greater choice of servers means that if your server goes down or is just having a bad day you can easily swap to another server and not have to start as a fresh spawn, It also makes it easy for friends from different parts of the world to find a low ping server that they can all play on. On a Private shard your character will only save on that one server, this is good in that it prevents issues like server hopping and ghosting. There will eventually be a global loot system that will monitor loot across all the servers and limit which kind of loot spawns accordingly, allowing them to make certain items extremely rare, such as high powered weapons, nvg's, helicopter parts, and medicine. I think this will be a really interesting mechanic on the Public hive, promoting high value trading between strangers and large scale rivalries between groups on different servers. Not even sure if Private hives will have the same system and even if they do it will be severely smaller in scale just due to it being limited to one server. Server admins have very little power when running a Public server, this is to prevent abuse such as locking a server and farming for gear then going over to another server on the hive. Basically they can only kick players and only with good reason, and because they have no access to logs it is very difficult for them to prove when someone is cheating, eventually the Devs will be releasing anticheat software that will help, but could be a while off. Private server admins can kick, ban and lock as much as their heart desires as it only affects the players on that server, also they can set rules for their server such as no pvp, roleplay only, etc. initially they wont have access to logs or the ability to add mods either but that will change when the overall security of the game has improved. My personal opinion is that Private shards are great for people who want to be part of a close community and do provide better protection from cheaters, But in my experience from the mod they tend to get stale after a short while, due to seeing the same names everytime you log on. The Public hive has a much greater sense of scale making it more unpredictable and for me, far more immersive, and if you play on official servers run by Bohemia you can completely avoid the chance of admin abuse. I'll be more interested in Private shards when modding is allowed, though history tells me that the majority of modded servers will just break the whole concept of the game, there should be a few that shine through.
  16. fluxley

    Private Shard [Poll]

    Thank you good sir.
  17. fluxley

    Private Shard [Poll]

    I've seen worse polls, didn't want to be mean :D
  18. fluxley

    Private Shard [Poll]

    Can i have an option for "I prefer to stick to public hive" please?
  19. I'd say those frame rates are fairly normal for that set up. The game just hasn't been optimised, and wont be for a while yet.
  20. fluxley

    everything is huge and the game wont start

    Here's some more detailed possible fixes http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/540744935156985772/
  21. fluxley

    First impressions, 10+ hours later

    You've managed to put why i love this game into words better than i ever could, Welcome to DayZ.
  22. Seems like you just described this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.skunkfu.dzcsa&hl=en_GB
  23. fluxley

    Stranded on a high-rise

    Been stuck there myself once, spent a while trying to get out but had to jump off the roof in the end.
  24. fluxley

    Oh. My. God.

    Nice, now you just need to link head movement to the motion sensors in the phone and strap that baby to your face.