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Everything posted by fluxley

  1. fluxley


    From reddit source http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1ycwhr/now_that_the_changelogg_is_out/
  2. fluxley

    Can we haz this?

    My saviour!
  3. fluxley

    Can we haz this?

    Disappointing, i was hoping for Tactical Bacon.
  4. The large circular crosshair was only in older builds, its no longer available.
  5. fluxley

    Broken leg with no morphine

    You can also make a splint with rags and wooden sticks.
  6. The time displayed on the server list should match the time ingame, not sure why the server you joined didn't though.
  7. I wasn't making a point, i was asking a question.
  8. You've lost me, who's butthurt about what exactly?
  9. fluxley

    The central Hive

    Select hide unofficial in the filter options in dayzcommander to show only official public hive servers, though its not 100% accurate. As for other mods you'll just have to go to their respective sites check them out.
  10. Probably referring to these posts http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157148-correcting-sa-ballistics/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161661-accuracy-comparison-dayz-vs-arma-2/
  11. fluxley

    REALLY ugly landscape

    Its already been reported here http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=7348 , here http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=2102 , and here http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=2805 just needs upvoting.
  12. fluxley

    You are dead

    Has already been reported on the bug tracker numerous times, acknowledged by Dean on reddit, http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1x2vzq/cant_respawn_you_are_dead_on_joining_any_server/ and will be addressed in a hot fix http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/171660-pending-changelog-experimental-branch-034xxxxx/
  13. fluxley

    Handcuff Death

    hmm, guess it must of broken then, been a while since i tested it.
  14. fluxley

    Handcuff Death

    Only if they are damaged,, pristine handcuffs can take a few minutes to escape from.
  15. One of the cool features of the RV engine, which is what arma and dayz use, is that it has a pretty accurate simulation of solar/lunar cycles, changing the date does indeed change where and when the sun rises and sets, it also effects whether or not you get a full moon.
  16. fluxley

    PvE only, no PvP

    Very nice, love the sunset over the swamp shot.
  17. fluxley

    Dayz first world problems

    Found an sks, but didnt want to carry two rifles or leave behind my faithful Mosin :(
  18. fluxley

    The central Hive

    Theres one central hive for the official Public hive much like the standalone, but theres also many private hives that each have there own database. Most mods of the mod run off of one hive database for each server, but some of the bigger mods have their own smaller central hive database, maybe just spread over a few servers.
  19. fluxley

    NO i dont want your help go away

    And of course "NO HoS!!, HEROES WILL BE KICKED!!!" servers
  20. fluxley

    Respawn button not working.

    They are working on it now, should be in experimental by the end of the week and stable by wednesday. source http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1x2vzq/cant_respawn_you_are_dead_on_joining_any_server/cf82iij?context=3
  21. fluxley

    Respawn button not working.

    Its a known issue, will be fixed in the next update. All you can do until then is try joining servers on a different hive, its a new issue, even leaving the server and rejoining doesn't allow some to respawn.
  22. Keep it. Personally i think 5 minutes is too low a maximum, it should keep increasing for repeat offenders.
  23. Its a known bug with the latest update
  24. fluxley

    NO i dont want your help go away

    So we've got Kill on sight and Punch on sight, now the new evil is Help on sight?