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Everything posted by fluxley

  1. fluxley

    As-50_Thermal and MP5K [ Standalone ]

    have you tried viewing the as50 file? ;)
  2. fluxley

    Add the Bicycle

    Here's why not
  3. fluxley

    Settings reset

    First thing i'd do is check that your setting config file isnt set to read only, Go to C:\Users\[yourusername]\Documents\DayZ Right click the DayZ folder and select Properties and make sure the box next to read only isnt checked also check the files inside the dayz folder, mainly [yourusername].DayZProfile
  4. fluxley

    What are they?

    From one of the files in the mod
  5. fluxley


    Nah, not a scam https://store.bistudio.com/dayz-supporter-edition @judahmonkey, i forgot about the supporter edition, forgive my cheekyness, if non of the fixes mentioned above work you could try the TMW http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/160262-need-medical-assistance-in-dayz-sa-find-your-medic-here/ Though it might be hard to find you if you've been in the woods for 5 hours.
  6. fluxley


    First, stop crawling in circles. Second, stop paying £60 for games that only cost £20.
  7. fluxley

    DayZ on MAC?

    Nothing has been confirmed, but they have mentioned a few times that they want to port the game over to other operating systems once the windows version is finished.
  8. fluxley

    Broken Arm. Should I Care?

    Yup, can confirm, broken arm increases weapon sway, unless you're going hunting i'd keep hold of the morphine and go look for some sticks to make a splint.
  9. fluxley

    Indication of which doors can and cannot be opened.

    Rocket has mentioned in the past that they want to board up the unenterable doors, seems like the easiest way to indicate which rooms you can go in.
  10. fluxley

    Ask Aggathor - DayZ Facts & Fictions Answered.

    Amusing and informative, well done sir.
  11. fluxley

    Frame Lag

    The game hasn't been optimised and wont be fully for a long time yet so comparing its performance to other games is pretty pointless. What exactly do you class as bad frame rate?
  12. fluxley

    Where am I?

    yup, thats Dolina, just west of Solnichniy or follow the road east for Polana.
  13. fluxley

    Did i miss something ?

    Yup, new village, no idea what its called though
  14. fluxley

    DayZ + ENBSeries help wanted

    According to the creator of ENBseries http://enbdev.com/enbseries/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2635&sid=b3457cee1c7884c67d66a1c73cf069e9&start=10 Best do some more research before you try it, might want to try contacting Battleye and VAC to see what the official word is.
  15. fluxley

    Does work DayZ SA on SteamOS ?

    No, sadly there's no Linux version of dayz, the devs have hinted that they want to port it over at some point but it probably wont happen until the game hits its full release, so about a year from now.
  16. And for all those calmly curious as to what problems are preventing the release to stable source http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/207ueh/no_patch_today/cg0njmh?context=3
  17. fluxley

    Sick and tired!

    This seems to be the main report for it here http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=8063 It has been acknowledged by the devs and the fact that they aren't asking for more info suggests that they know what the issue is, so we just have to wait till its fixed.
  18. fluxley


    There's no support for modding or even tracking stats at all currently, probably not going to happen for a long time.
  19. Think i saw a little thread on this already...ooh there it is http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/176560-rocket-standing-down-from-dayz-by-end-of-year/
  20. No, not before server performance has been improved.
  21. To improve zombies they first have to improve performance, to do this they are making huge changes to how the engine works, most notably being making it so that zombie calculations are done on a separate core of the server, this is a big change and will take a lot of testing to get right. The work is going on behind the scenes, its just not something that can be released to us in small increments, meanwhile other members of the team are working on adding other content, we just have to be patient, zombies will be improved over time.
  22. fluxley

    just randomly died

    Its a known bug, http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=5598 Just read through that and add any extra info if you think it may be helpful or just upvote it if not.
  23. fluxley

    Glitched clothes!

    Possibly just a purple hoodie using the red hoodie description.
  24. fluxley

    Search before you post

    Yeah, got it to work for a few words, no hits for "WTF" surprisingly.
  25. fluxley

    Search before you post

    Doesn't seem to be working for me, should it just pop up as you start typing in "topic title"?