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Dat Bushmonster

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Everything posted by Dat Bushmonster

  1. Dat Bushmonster

    larger buildings combat moves and more

    I be damned.
  2. Dat Bushmonster

    great brand new idea for dayz

    Why are you guys bothering with this..."person"? Seriously, just let him troll, he'll eventually stop.-- Edit: Dis ain't no gawd dayum arcaed gaem liek call of derp. No montages needed for dis game. I be damned, if you want to record shit, go for craps (I meant fraps...fo real real). I be damned.
  3. Dat Bushmonster

    Beware of the man in the red tractor

    I literarly shat brix while reading this post. You sir, win the internet and the red tractor dude is just hilarious
  4. Dat Bushmonster

    larger buildings combat moves and more

    All of these things have been suggested already. Use search next time.
  5. Dat Bushmonster

    From medical point of view

    Truly one of the best medical aspects suggested. +Beans I would say that you should be able to walk again but not run/sprint until the broken bone is fixed...say 5 minutes after it's treated?
  6. Dat Bushmonster

    DayZ Stories

    I've been playing on a server with about 5 people on it. It was evening and it was a bit dark. I had a ghillie and a SVD camo I've found before but I had no NVG's. Anyways, I've been crawling around in the woods of elektro northeast of Cherno in the search of snipers who shoot down to cherno and such. I was moving into my position when I suddenly heard a very high pitched and scary voice saying "I got mah eyes on ya" (kinda like the WoW male dwarf voice, even creepier) Brix have been shat in that moment. After like 15 seconds of being in total shock I activated my voice chat and asked if there's anybody and that I mean no harm. No response. I crawled back about 25 meters until I heard flies buzzing around. I found a body of a dead survivor that had NOTHING on it. Not even a backpack, nothing! I studied the body and he had no name. Noone died in these moments, nothing. I'm still having nightmares because of it D: I was scared shitless. Still I've been looking around but there was noone there...
  7. Dat Bushmonster

    Increased difficulty for survival

    I got the same thoughts about the water situation. I mean, drinking unfiltered water is like going up to a zed and just being like "Bite meh, I don't care, me has peelz n shit" Lowering the ammo drop...Hmm...Basic ammo shouldn't be touched I think. I don't pick up makarovs or .45 weapons anyways. I always go for the G17. Why? I can use three kinds of ammo for it. G17 Mags, M9 and M9SD and it has a flashlight too so it's kinda a win win. Ammo for the weapon you need is anyways hard to find. Karma and shit. I picked up a M9 once, no ammo. 300m further down the road I found a Revolver with 4x .45 ammo for it. Another kilometer further I found 4 M9 mags. Rage quitted at that point, lol. +1 on that hunting part though. I would really like to see me in a deer stand, watching the next open field for some game and then shoot it from distance with a hunting rifle. That's what deer stands are for, aren't they? Though I'd like to be able to not just gut the animal for food, but for it's hide too. Wouldn't it be awesome to survive the zombie apocalypse in Mooh Mooh Cowboy Boots?! <3
  8. Dat Bushmonster

    zombie scent spray and more

    You're even apologizing for it! Don't try to defend yourself for fucks sake! These so called "ideas" are bullshit anyways or already have been suggested. Learn to use the search function properly. And schrapple got my beans for dat one special post!!