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Everything posted by RickGrimes45

  1. RickGrimes45

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    what will you do with that?
  2. Vehicles didn't spawn yet do i have to wait 1 week or what? Is it ok every 24 hours to restart the server?(maybe that's the problem)
  3. I have set 24 hour restart,it is that the problem or maybe my instance id is over 8000
  4. my instance id is over 8000 is that a problem?
  5. Incredible the amount of hackers,why are they doing this?The server just opened a few days ago!
  6. Hello,i'm inviting you to my Vilayer hive server. PVP PVE Vehicles=80 Diff=Regular 3D=ON CH=ON Beta Patch=97771 DayZ Version= Map=ON Side Channel=Enabled(no spamming) Active Admins Looking for Clans and players to join the server! Contact Me at dayzpwn@yahoo.com The Walkind Dead Clan Admins:[TWD]RickGrimes45(Owner) [TWD]Bear Grylls [TWD]AssCrust Battle Eye and Gotcha Antihack system Panthera Island Server
  7. RickGrimes45

    DE 3682 Closing after less than one week

    that's what im planning to do
  8. RickGrimes45


    A guy asked me to teleport him or something he is stuck in the ground.How do i get him out?
  9. RickGrimes45

    side channel allowed

    can you tell me how to open side channel on an vilayer hosted server?
  10. RickGrimes45

    Over 230 hackers got banned on my server

    Admins need to use Gotcha Anti Hack
  11. RickGrimes45

    Side Channel

    Am i allowed to enable Side Channel? If i can how do i enable it on a vilayer server
  12. Anyone needs help? Contact me at Dayzpwn@yahoo.com Blood Bags,Morphine some gear maybe :D
  13. RickGrimes45

    Side Channel

    didn't they remove the rule?
  14. RickGrimes45

    Side Channel

    Official hive
  15. RickGrimes45

    Side Channel

    it doesn't work.....
  16. RickGrimes45

    Over 230 hackers got banned on my server

    Nope my friend you never know if actually the one with the TWS found it or spawned so its a ban from,just for safety issues,kicking is bad,he can kill anybody in 5 min and then join again so yea,also link me the rule that im not allowed to BAN people with hacked weapons.
  17. RickGrimes45

    Over 230 hackers got banned on my server

    Thank You :D,but you should also thank the guys at Gotcha Anti-Hack System for making such a wonderfull Anti-Hack Program!
  18. RickGrimes45

    Over 230 hackers got banned on my server

    If you are using a hacked weapon my server will give you a warning of 5 min to drop it