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Everything posted by PrivateVoid

  1. PrivateVoid

    DayZ | Hacked Weapon, banned or not?

    The bad thing about this is, they usually ban you after checking the server logs, so it becomes a delayed ban.
  2. PrivateVoid

    i am the best

    Yes it's a zombie apocalypse, that's why I stay away from zombies. Sniping people when I need something is much easier.
  3. PrivateVoid

    Mountain Dew stories

    No idea these were rare I've looted tons of them from players and drank them all.
  4. PrivateVoid

    Fucking Humanity...

    I shoot everyone who has as much as an alice pack on sight, even go the extra mile to stalk people whom I expect to having some nice gear stored somewhere. And if you disconnect on me I will hunt you on other servers. It's great playing as a bandit, I can't check right now but I'm sure my humanity is somewhere near -600/800k. But that doesn't matter because if I want to play with other people I just ask some friends to come along, they don't care how many people i've killed. It's a shame though that people can't tell if I have 0 humanity or -1 million, people should see instantly that they need to kill me on sight or die themselves. For that I say the bandit skin isnt enough, there needs to be some evil devil skin for reaching such low amounts of humanity. Or a robot skin, robot's aren't known for being very humane, plus robot's are awesome