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About ogggrez

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ogggrez


    I've got a 60 hz BenQ G2220HD. It worked a little bit with rockets fix, but now it's back to my first problem.... -_-
  2. ogggrez


    My game keeps freezing like 1 minute into playing, so I am forced to shut it down via ctrl + alt + del. And when this happens it also makes my steam crash and stop responding. All of my drivers are up to date.
  3. ogggrez

    Squad recruitment

    Hey, I would love to join you guys, but I don't know which of the "Daniel Brum" on skype you are :/
  4. How old are you: I am 17 years old. How long have you played DayZ Solo: I usually play solo, if no friends are online. How long have you played DayZ With a Squad: I have played with people since DayZ first was released. Timezone: GT + 1 Location(US, EU, Etc.): I live in Sweden (EU) How many hours can you play a Day(Weekdays and Weekends):I can play pretty much whenever, as long as I don't have to much school stuff, which I don't, atm. Do you have Skype or Teamspeak: I have Both Skype and TS3 If so Whats your Skype Username: oscar.unell Favorite Gun to use: Probably the Hunting Rifle (Survivor style ya'know?) and the AKM. But I use whatever there is, I ain't picky. Longest Character kept alive: a couple of days, if you count in-game hours. I don't enjoy standing still and camping to much. I like the rush of close quarters or whatever you wan't to call it. I usually play the survivor role, and only shoot at players that shoot me first, or that I feel are a threat to me. But now I feel like playing some good'ole banditry. But not the KOS sniping, that's just not very fun imo.
  5. ogggrez

    ZAS Clan Recruiting

    In-game name: ogggrez Steam name: counter_man900 Location: Sweden Age: 16 Experience:I have been playing DayZ since Killroys videos came out. Why i want to join: I think that it's way more fun to play with other people and using teamwork. I never been in an actual clan before, although I've been playing with some people on a steam group with TS3. But I think it's good to play with different people. Hope you let me in :)
  6. When I have dayz installed, my Arma II: CO won't work properly, but DayZ does. When I, for example, launch the Editor I can't choose "men" in the USMC tab, and my selection on everything else is pretty much 2 - 3 units. And when I launch the preview I don't have any equipment,(if I play inf) And if I try to use air, my camera gets stuck in the air. The same thing happens when i try to play missions. I am using the beta patch, but it's not the problem, everything works fine when I remove the @dayz folder in my arma directory.
  7. ogggrez

    Starting a DayZ Base/Camp - Recruiting

    Hey! I would love to join your group! Add me on Steam if you want to let me in, my steam username is counter_man900 and my in-game name is ogggrez Hope to see you in TS, :)