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About clarkey112

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. In-Game Name- Clarkey Medical Problem- Blood & Bandage Landmarks/City*- Inbetween vybor and NW airfield Coordinates- roughly 044 061 Blood Level- under 3000 (Flashing and pass outs) Hostiles in Area- Unknown (Willing to go to your server of choice) EDIT: Rescued thanks Need another rescue xD In-Game Name- Clarkey Medical Problem- Blood & Bandage Landmarks/City*- Sosnovka Coordinates- roughly 025 088 Blood Level- under 3000 (Flashing and pass outs(Again)) Hostiles in Area- Unknown (Zombies)
  2. clarkey112

    Keep Getting Kicked

    I had this once happen to be I had to reinstall the game to fix it
  3. clarkey112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Medical assistance needed at skalisty island - In ts help needed southeast channel *Additional info: Bandage and Bloodbag EDIT: I gotta go for awhile but help still needed later