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About FearzomeOne

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Washington State
  1. Looks awesome but to many rules no thanks
  2. FearzomeOne

    heli crash sites

    maybe this will help I've been hunting for crashed helis for a couple of days now and this map is pretty accurate ... I've found 2 as50s, 5 fals, 2 bizon sd, 1 m107, 1 m240, 2 l85a2, 1 fal pvs and would believe after all that (8 total crashed helis) i still haven't found nvgs... http://southcoastbeanwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Crashed-Heli-Map-v7.jpg ^Link
  3. FearzomeOne

    Mountain Dew stories

    Went to Cherno one day on my Motorcycle to pick up my friend and decided to do a little raiding well I was in the apartment complex that has the restaurant right next to it and I found a mountain dew in a pile of m1911 and g17 mags on the secound floor.. not long after a stupid backpack glitch made all the stuff disappear in my backpack including my as50.... luckily I had my dew in my invo.. got most of my supplies back and found another as50 at a heli crash site 3 days ago.. still looking for some NVG's and coyote backpack. still alive atm...