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About Speak

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  1. Speak


    Cool, hows that working for you? has it put hairs on your chest?
  2. Perhaps they could even add "perks" too them, for instance the trauma bag, they could make it so the wearer is say 10% more efficient with medical supplies so 10% off the bandage/blood bag time etc and then maybe in terms of painkillers you use 10% less than your average player, have duffel bags add say 10-20 extra slots at the sacrifice of 5-10% movement speed and I guess a camping/hiking style bag could give you say 3-5% extra movement speed when walking up hills or something or even make tents (assuming they will take 2-3slots) take 1 less slot in a camping bag than in a normal bag.
  3. Speak


    What good loot could there possibly be in sewers? Besides anything you could find in a sewer would be riddled with disease and make your character sick.
  4. I think it would be a good option if, for instance they were 1 not rare and 2 you could only use them for certain items, like a Trauma bag could contain say 25-35 slots but there could only be medical supplies inside and it would replace your bag slot. Because 1 if they were rare or ultrarare people would kill you on sight for them and 2 otherwise it would defeat the object of having them in the game, this way you could assign a medic etc to your group.
  5. Speak

    Antibiotics for trade.

    I have recently come into a good amount of antibiotics (5 in 2 mins) and am looking to trade them for what you see fit, feel free to reply with your offers and i'll get back to you asap. -Speak-
  6. Yo sorry been inactive today due to being Sunday i'll pm you my skype and perhaps we can set up the trade for tomorrow.
  7. Yo I got an L85 I'd trade for NVGs and a Ghillie? got 15 mags too.
  8. Speak

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    This post is so inactive wtf is the point in it when the post goes days without replys.
  9. Speak

    Looking for more[EU]

    Sounds good where do I sign up?
  10. Why would anyone want a radio when it does nothing but let out a radio transmission?
  11. I would love your spare AS50 and mags, Will trade it for a DMR + 3 mags and an SVD with 5 mags if possible?
  12. So I'm looking for a 4-5 man squad to run with, I'm from the UK i'm 21 years old, been playing DayZ for around a month and I'm tired of running around on my own now xD
  13. I'll trade SVD camo + 5 mags for AS50 with some mags?
  14. Speak

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    What can I get for an SVD Camo + 5 mags and 1x Antibiotics, prefer an M24 with at least 3 mags or possibly an AS50 with no mags.
  15. Speak

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 Zeichef safe and easy trade recommend him.