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About rath1138

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  1. I'm working tonight but I'll be on Friday night and I can help you out. I will look for your name on the server and we can figure out where to meet in chat. If I don't see you on I'll just PM you. There are storage boxes with free stuff in Byelov and Seven by the markets to help get you started so maybe we can meet in either of those towns. Also, LOL at the shoot comment :P I won't be carrying anything valuable anyways!
  2. rath1138

    Banned from US 382 Random DayZ

    I tried logging on to your server and got kicked for an admin ban... maybe it is Battle Eye acting up?
  3. I guess the server admin is butthurt cause I found their stuff. Way to abuse your admin powers.
  4. rath1138

    Random DayZ - Public TS3

    What happened to this server?
  5. rath1138

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    So, "Hunter" when they fix d/cing, what will you talk shit about next?
  6. rath1138

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Good for you, Jabes! Unfortunately for you, the current score is: CQF: 55 Bandits: 9
  7. rath1138

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    I haz teh quarantinez
  8. rath1138

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Word to your mother
  9. Nax was enough for me to realize that some people are a waste of life. Cya around Dark :) -Rath